I'm already supposed to go out to Portland for my sister's graduation. Maybe I can visit her later in the summer. It's not just about money, I also have to find someone to shoot the cat and walk the dog.
Forgot. There just isn't anyone you could trust with Screech, is there?
I trust my housemate and my sister enough, mostly..... But, it's an awful lot to ask of either of them.
Ya, littlek find a way to god's country.
littlek, Your life will be easier if you shoot the dog and walk the cat.

Why doncha just shoot 'em both?
"i shot the sheriff but i did not shoot that kitty down"
hey! that cat is worth his weight in gold after the $ I've already spent on him....
Kris, pleeeeaaassseee find a way to come!!! If you need a special incentive for getting help for the critters, let me know and I'll drive up to Boston and help you do whatever it takes.
Uh oh, did I say that? (Kris, keep in mind that I'm nearing 60)!!!!
Hahaha, I don't think there'd be anything for you to do here Diane, but thanks so much for offering.....
Asherman already knows I can't make it. I will go along in spirit, but that's all.
Damn, ed!
Guess I'll just have to drive up there and hunt you down... :wink:
Sorry. My job keeps me anchored.
edgar, I thought you had a "good" excuse to miss our gathering. Your job? You must go see About Schmidt. It'll provide you with the incentive to get your rear end to Albuquerque. If it doesn't, you've missed the message. c.i.
I carry a pager which I must be able to respond to 24-7. I cannot afford the trip to albe-turkey anyway.
An aside - My oldest brother's blood brother, a Pima Indian, moved to Albequerque in the late 50s. It would have been good to try to look for him or his family.
I have decided with great regret that I will not be attending the Western Gathering. c.i.
Oh c.i., I hadn't checked in on this thread for a few days and when I do, it's only to see that you won't be coming. This is heartbreaking. Is it possible that you will change your mind? Please?
This morning I've recieved a PM from PDiddie asking if the Albuquerque Gathering is still on. Here is my reply:
My attention has been on other matters, but so far as I'm concerned the Albuquerque Gathering is still on. I don't know who, or how many will attend. Some may choose not to come here because of my strong support of the war. However, all who do find there way to Albuquerque will be welcomed, and our home, Corazon de la Osa will be open to all.
Here's some of the stuff that's occupied us. We had houseguests for two weeks, followed by a trip to Arizona. My wife, Natalie is scheduled for surgery to remover her Gall Bladder on the 14th. I've been busy getting a painting ready for a large exhibition here at the Fair Grounds in May, and making the preparations necessary for the paintings to be done this summer. We opened the pool last Thursday, but are holding off heating it to save money. The whole establishment will change over from winter to summer configuration in the next couple of weeks. Of course, we follow the war news closely as well. Over the next few weeks things should begin to settle down somewhat, though our pensions are going to be challenged at least through the first week of May.
Now that the question is raised, I'll send a PM to the person who thought they could get special rates for those in town during the gathering.
The dates are: Friday-Sunday, 23-25MAY.