Dys, I urge you to have your home swept for bugs and cameras because it is apparent PDiddie sent A2K agents to your digs while you were gone and is recording every move you make, including frantic arm waving. Even winking. Even smirks.
doh i think i am being dissed AGAIN!!!!
I warned you all previously...DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN! He's trouble. And that starts with T and that rhymes with D and I mean it double.
um, btw there will be no mention of the bubble bath.
I dunno. Who to trust. Who to trust.
hmmmmmmmm, there's the least mennonitey-mennonite i've ever seen.
then there's the guy who apparently has tall leather boots (and everyone KNOWS how i feel about men with tall leather boots)
Who to trust.
edit to say
ouch. that hurt.
tall leather boots . . .
sob, i've been dumped . . .
bubble bath?
did I miss something?
Sounds like someone left their window down when taking the car through the drive-thru car wash.
just for accuracy in posting i do not wear knee high boots. they are called "leggings." i do not speak Italian (hand gestures) that obviously is a manipulated photograph by Lola meant only as an feable attempt to chastise me for revealing some photos that include leather (the less said the better). the only civilized person at the Albaturkey gathering was BumbleBee and i am afraid she might have o'd on Xanax in her feable attempt to cope with the likes of Roger and Blatam. I, being the quiet and humble sort of person I am was totally shocked at the outrageous and provocative behavior of those in attendence.(please in the future note that swim suits are required in the pool Asherman)
ok Dys, but you really must tell all about the trampoline
And Blatham, you must fess up about the trapeze
You need a fresh avatar, brotha; the current one more favors a homeless person than you. :wink:
Proceed to Glamour Shots at the nearest mall and let them do you up right.
Tux, tophat, and tails, I'm thinking.
Bubble baths, trampolines, and trapezes. What a visual.
So I went today on a little side trip on the way back from the bank, and checked into the tall mocs at the local tribal shoppe....hmm, size 8, well, I will check them out in a day or two. Didn't have time to try them on. I wear women's 8 1/2 so it is probably a no-go, that was the only pair left.
Course I could never look like Dys, being a girl, though I am fairly slouchy myself, but the very mention of tall mocs stirred memories...of short mocs and oh, no, you will all gag, nylons....might have been seventeen....
yeah i quit wearing nylons, people were starting to talk.
Gee, there was a nikkid swim party, and we weren't provided with pictures? c.i.
I'm breaking my promise
So sorry Gatherers, I know I promised I wouldn't reveal our midnight Maypole dance. But the money I'm being offered by FOX NEWS for the story is just too much to resist.
"It was a dark and stormy night, not unusual for May evenings in Albuquerque, when thunder storms roar through the valley. The electricity in the air raised everyone's hormone levels to newly discovered feelings of Pagan rituals. Some of us had not felt this much joyous abandon in years, except for Dys, who's brown leather laced leggings always drove any calves within sniff range to begin dancing to a strange melody wafting through the pine trees around the pool, sparkling in the moonlight."........
And the angels sang..............
...and I missed it.
Next time, Viz.........I recommend you attend. ;-)