I knew I should have been there for the first day.
pshaw! From Plato on down, you republicans have abandoned abandon. A good party, that is, a real humdinger of Dionysian sexual carnage of the sort one finds common here in Canada even at such as municipal by-law hearings, requires the presence of at least one swarthy dwarf. Or a hunchback covered in bluebells.
Geesh. Give me some of whatever you guys are smoking...
ask and you shall receive - sorta - for dys, including the long fingers
Camel Wides for me, Blatham however smokes Players
Not to leave some deserving avatars out...
and then there is
and finally

So, there stood Blatham, the ladies man, arms folded with fists jammed behind the biceps, looking for all the world as if he had muscles. Ha! More intimidating when he's anonymous.
Sorry I missed seeing Albuquerque again, but more so I would have liked meeting the Ashermans.
The muscles are real, Tex-Star.........but Blatham intimidating? I don't think so. He's really a sweety.
I've got lots of muscles too, concealed by layer of flab. The "flabdominals", as I call them.
Of course, I don't smoke. Used to, but finally gave it up and have gained 20 pounds over the last three years.
cjh, How do you crawl into that small car? c.i.
I am in person, you should be advised, mega-intimidating.
I have a snarl no less horrific than what you would see on the lips of Ms Thatcher when Denis suggests oral sex.
People seeing me, for example in a restaurant, huddle together, eyes wide, "He is in blood stepp'd in so far" they say. Or sometimes, "Jesus Christ in shitty napkins! That man has ketsup all over him! What a PIG." Either way, they keep wide of me.
I have thighs that remind naked women of thunderstorms.
I have an IQ that remains unmeasured.
On the night I was born, the moon turned a bloody red. Also, Mars turned a sort of femmy teal, but this gets NO PRESS AT ALL!
I am so intimidating that my father - a professional, a forensic proctologist - grabbed the preacher who was attending my anabaptist coming of age ceremony and threatened to put him into Uncle Hank's thresher. You are confused now. So were we. I do that to people.
I seem to want to ask if you happen to have a cobra snake for a necktie...
In the future, please leave yourself to our respective imaginations. You had so much more class in my mind's eye than yours. :wink:
And should there be any as-yet-unpublished Gathering photographs of you in some state of disrobement...
...burn them.
You're just envious........... :wink:
Class!? I am a walking class-free zone.
At the very moment ~ the skies opened and a voice from the mountain decreed <scribes from the 4 corners of the earth parchment and writing implements at the ready > "#*{^ %)^ #(`#@' +
<translation from mythical prestidigitation>
"Hide the Hondas"
Back to Blatham's muscles, I think they're neat, they look like dancers' or swimmers' muscles. Well, some dancers or swimmers. Or maybe they're typists' muscles.
Blatham, I'm sure your muscles are real, but what's so great about being a "ladies man." Just wanted to break up all the sugary flattery but maybe you deserve it after the self-description -- funny as heck. What's wrong with being intimidating? Ladies' men are not intimidating.