Lola, I hope you allow your pics to stay up - it would be a pity to take them down. If you're 56 then I'm shellshocked, you look much younger.
Isn't it about time to be hearing from Diane and dys?
yeah - what the heck is up with them two?? hubba hubba!!!
Roger, Diane probably doesn't have access to a computer yet as she is visiting her brother. It's not my turn to watch Dysletic, so I don't know what he's doing. But not hearing from him yet does make me concerned that they arrived back in Colorado OK.
I apologize for thinking you were Lee Harvey McVeigh/crusader bunnypants, Bumble.
OK.............several things
Husker, You're having difficulty? I appreciate your compliments and love you for them (as I do all who have been so sweet..... Osso, Rae, c.i., cjhsa) and I love you anyway, of course, compliments or no. So what's so difficult? Blatham says he doesn't find beautiful women to be difficult (hummm), but I'll take your word for it, you do. Tell us what it is and maybe there's something we can do to help. Or maybe not.
cjhsa, Kiss for that compliment. I am 56. It's not really that I'm related to Dorian Gray as my friend HIAMA suggested, but rather that my plastic surgeon did a good job last August. He didn't make me more beautiful (I was already that - hehehe) but just younger. It's a little odd for me because now people take me for a younger woman. This is both good and bad, but mostly I love it. Now if only I'll get to that gym and get myself back into the shape I was in when I was younger. Look out world! But really, my world isn't perfect, I still have all these problems with excessive humility. I am having fun and for that I am grateful. I'm laughing remembering that fbazier told me this week end that he thought I'd look like Barbara Streisand (sp?) I wonder why Barbara? Anyway, I'm a bit far from her and my singing range does not compete with hers at all, not even close. Maybe it's my avatar, those long legs. My real legs are not long, I'm a shorty, 5'2"
And Blatham, you're too funny for words! And handsome too.............did I mention that already?
Well that was one of her good side
Lola stands alone in beauty and poise!!
Husker, you're too nice! Streisand does look beautiful there. Just look at those legs!

btw Diane is at a Hotel with internet access but cant log into A2K but is reading the threads i think she will be home in about a week.
It's a Dys sighting!
waiting Dys............................
Well, Dys is alive and well. The only problem I see is that if he's been reading these threads about how he was the star of the Gathering, his head won't fit into his cowboy hat. And without his hat, he can't think. He is nothing. Poor Dys. :wink:
That can't have been dyslexia. You guys said he was a story-teller, and that was nothin'. Nothin'!
he has become unaccustomedly shy at the weight and force of his celebrity.
I think that was a imitation dys. c.i.
I'm tellin' ya, he's been typing for the last 40 minutes but he has to stop to wave his hands around every ten seconds...