You guys are really really really great!!!!!
Cic, I have no idea. That's way too far in advance for me to plan now.
I guess Asherman is, as of right now, trying to finish a 40 pound watermelon we dared not attack.
40 lbs? I thought they grew those only in Texas.

You should've seen the strawberries. They seemed to be grown in the garden of an H.G.Wells short story! Pure science fiction.
Those strawberries were BIG. Each, I thought you should know this, was brought in on its own satin pillow by a burly Scotsman of the Queen's 7th Regiment which, as a matter of interesting historical fact, was founded in 1733 but not in Scotland (as everyone assumes), rather in a small but famous whorehouse (it is noted by none other than Sam Johnston) in Market Drayton where one Brigadier Rutherford Dobson-Smith (later, the author of a fine book detailing the military uses of hemp - the Brigadier himself doing all of the illustrations therein), on a visionary flood of scotch, dopamine and bodily fluids, suffered three discrete and life-changing realizations: that he personally was no match physically for Fifi, a petite dark haired thing from Avignon; that if malts were the criterion, Scotland should rule the world; and, finally, that he would likely fail in his life-long ambition of listing, by genus, all the wildflowers to be found along English country roadsides.
Asherman and Natalie were most gracious as hosts, and went to a considerable amount of detailed planning for those of us who visited. They were very kind. My time with the group was limited as I had an old friend with whom I spent much of the visit.
Ash is, as others have said above, younger and more handsome than his avatar suggests, he smiles broadly, and has a carriage which speaks of his military background.
BBB is a classy and intelligent lady. From her thoughtful and zestfully witty posts, I had pictured someone younger, but on the other hand, I'm older than I expected too. Her carriage would be best described with the adjective elegant.
Dianne has the face of a cherub and the mind of a nun gone really bad. She has a laugh which she herself is frightened of but which the rest of us found quite endearing - think of hearing a distant rolling thunderclap while you are sitting leisurely inside a cake factory. However, I think I oought to add in the anomaly that her laugh drops a full two octaves when she happens to have her hand on a man's knee. Her carriage is lyrical like, perhaps, a drunk Sri Lankan butterfuly.
Roger is, as I knew he would be, a kind, humble and humorous man. Because of agendas, arrivals, and departures, I didn't get to speak with him as much as I had hoped. Unlike myself, he has no motor in his larnyx and his carriage has the ease of someone not in a hurry.
fbaezer was well met. Though he derides his English skills, he speaks as beautifully as he writes. We established that his name, when translated, means 'he who pours soothing unguents upon the waters of eager trouble' or, in another dialect, 'Fred'. Those who might get together down south later in the year are heartily encouraged to drag this fine fellow along, and ensure he stays for an adequate peiod of time. His carriage (I knew you were wondering) is both confident and alert, rather like Zapatta's moustache on a good hair day.
Lola is pretty, though less so than I, and as smart as a small whip. She has a bubbly sense of humor and laughs easily. Her voice is particularly musical, though not so much as my own, and if one were to analogize Lola's voice to an instrument, one would probably say a piccolo on a warm sultry day (though noting that when impatient, a better analogy would be a clarinet with a fractured reed played by an insane plumber). She is very petite. Her taste in clothing is exquisite and her carriage is that of a stoned forest sprite.
dyslexia has no carriage at all. He's a drying noodle in a hat. Some fortuitous combination of the thin midwest air, his spirit-rich Navaho ancestry and powerful drugs boiled out of high skinny cactus plants seems all that allows him to remain upright. This is a man YOU SHOULD NOT TRUST.
I'm working on the pics. Hopefully coming soon. My impressions and stories tomorrow. Tonight to bed.
Wonderful descriptions, terrific writing. I envy all of you meeting the others. Thanks for the thoughtful descriptions.
GOD!! I'm - ahh fer get it!!
Apparently, we can't upload pictures from our hard drive. Does someone know of a site where I can post pics, such that I can link them back here?
Well, Blatham, now that you've spilled the milk on everybody attending this bash, are you in for a licking or tongue lashing?

Excellent descriptions of all attendees; we should be able to identify them when we run across them at the airport or city street. I'm getting anxious to meet all of them in person - including you and fbaezer; although I'm probably in the same league as Roger - no motor in my voice box.

Looking forward to those photos. c.i.
A special thank you to all the particpants from Natalie and I. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking with you all. Now that you know where Corazon is, don't be strangers. With smaller numbers of guests we can generally provide a greater range of activities.
Folks in this group do talk, and talk. I doubt that anyone saw much of Albuquerque beyond Corazon, and you really did miss alot. At least I hope you all saw enough to tempt you back into town at a later time.
The watermellon is diminishing, but more than half of it remains. Because of the groups puny appetites, we won't have to replenish the larder for weeks.
Carven has supplied a site from which digital photos can be uploaded to A2K. The following link will take you to his site.
Raven's Relm
See the tutorial in the Formum Help Topic
Well, I had a great time. The conversations were tantalizing and probably the reason our activity on this thread has been deferred until we all arrived back at home. No one wanted to stop talking long enough to post. In the fore-established tradition of this humble thread, I'll try my hand at Lola's perspective on the various personalities present.
On arriving at Corazon, several of us were greeted by Natalie and BBB with Asherman soon to follow. We were treated to an extensive tour of Asherman's lovely and spacious home, complete with rose garden, swimming pool, and more than pleasant backyard patio with excellent weather and view.
BBB surprised me. She is female for one thing, and I thought she was a man. Laugh.......I guess I should pay closer attention. She is gracious and soft spoken, but don't let that make you believe she doesn't know how to pack a whalup with her observations and ideas. Her's was a voice of experience and creative insight in the above mentioned fascinating discussions.
Natalie, the ideal hostess was not only the glad bearer of humongous strawberries with cool whip and champagne but also a welcoming smile and a quick-on-the-up-take attentiveness to her guests and the conversation. (She's also great with giving directions to restaurants)........the first evening some of us got hopelessly lost on the way to the restaurant and we're still not sure and continuously debating whether it was Natalie's directions or our poor concentration skills in applying them. If only we'd just all gotten into Asherman's van for transportation, we would have been spared. Eventually, however, we all found our way and enjoyed the sunset from the second story of a lovely restaurant while consuming large quantities of steak and mushrooms and green chilies (Asherman's favorite).
Asherman himself...........oops, have to go to work for a bit. Will return for more later......
working on images - works getting busy
I'll get to a better place later - I'm swamped right now
but here's a temp look.
Hahahaha, Blatham, you're histerical. The, uh, fresh air must have done you good.
Thanks for the pix husker! I also have my site that can host some or all of the images. If anyone is a member of my site and wants to upload to it directly, here's a spot: . If you want my help, I'll be available tonight. If Husker wants to have the honors, 'ave at'm.....