I've already said a bit about Dys. That's Diane and I on the right. Diane drove down from Colorado with Dys, and was an instant hit with Natalie and Aunt Bea. Diane has relatives everywhere and she has traveled widely. Her warm and friendly social demeaner makes her almost the perfect guest, and a pleasure to serve. Dys and Diane made a side trip on Sunday to Sandia Crest, but found that it was stormy and had recently snowed so the view was greatly reduced. After leaving Albuquerque on Monday morning, they returned to Colorado via Santa Fe and Taos.
That's me on the right. Currently with drooping handlebar mustaches, and a belly that won't go away. I generally swim laps for at least 90 minutes each day, but have only gotten 2 hours pool time in the last week.
This was a crowd of folks unafraid of the dangers of tobbacco. It seemed eveyone needed to sit on the patio where the smoke occassionally was so thick that you couldn't see the person across the table. We turned on the fans and that seemed to rectify the situation. We laid in several cases of drinks of various sorts, but much of it remains. No one drank any hard liquors, not even of my Islay single malts. Fbaezer brought a bottle of Tequilla, and it remains unopened. On the other hand, iced tea was in constant demand. I couldn't give away watermellon, and now must eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Oh well, I do like a cold slice of mellon with a dash of salt.