that sounds like a nice start - will we find out who the attendees are?
(psssssssst - thanks BBB - just enough info to leave us panting for more :wink: )
BBB, Your negative expectations of brawls at A2K Gatherings is unfounded. We all expect FUN and decorum.

Seems, another of those great meeting as going on.
Enjoy and have fun furtheron!
Too bad, JD, that at the last minute trip plans fizzled.
I hope all the attendees have a great time getting to know each other in person!!!! I'm sure it has already been judged a fabulous event by the attendees and they still have the rest of the weekend. I have been mightily impressed with the attentive hosting by Asherman and BBB. There are plenty of us who wish we could be there, too. At least we have the pleasure of hearing about it.
I hope this event whets everybody's appetite for the A2K Three Continent Gathering planned for next year in San Francisco.

Me too, CI. I plan to be there as long as it continues somewhat past the first Satuday of the month. Can't go that day or the days just before it, but then you know that. If I can be there, with stuff happening after Sunday afternoon, which is when I would arrive, then I will be glad to help planning, etc, etc.
Sorry for tangent, folks, ...ah, but not too sorry.
hi to y'all from me.
<tap, tap, tapping my little foot.....waiting for pictures>
Me too ... it's just been too damn long!
Can anybody hear us?????????????????????????
Just face it, Ma.....they're not as organised as we are!
<still tap, tap, tapping away.....>
Ya! You guys in Florida have it all over these people in Corazone....
Piffka, I actually did very little of the planning, research, etc., for the Western Gathering, except to support Asherman et al in any way I could. So all congratulations should go to them.
BBB -- You are so humble, but Asherman said you were lots of help! I know he's the one who came up with the idea and offered his place as a central meeting ground. Still, there's nothing like a compatriot. But, uhhh, is that all?? No report??!?? What's been happening -- vicarious thrill-seekers want to know!
Day 2
Yesterday (day 2) was very revealing as we learned a lot more about each other. Some might say more than we really wanted or needed to know. :wink:
I wasn't able to join the group until about 4 pm so I missed a lot of the fun. I had a big landscape crew tearing out most of the hardscape and landscape in my front and rear yards to prepare for relandscaping, and had to stay home with them for most of the day.
By the time I arrived at 4 pm, the denizens of Corazon were deep into a wide range of conversations. In fact, some of them just wouldn't shut up no matter how many hints were given. :wink:
After we returned from dinner at a great mexican restaurant, we regaled each other with stories of events in our lives. Some were profound, some funny, most were true, but some I'm a little suspicious about. :wink: But fun, nevertheless.
My contribution was a brief story about my development of the supermarket "Price Per Pound" shelf labeling project that became law in some states and voluntary in others. I also threw in a few funny events, one of which is reflected in the Original Writing thread under "The Best Defense is." I also described my all-time favorite cartoon, which I will take to the group tonight to see if they think it should be posted on A2K.
Today, day 3, I will be home in the morning supervising the removal of two Yucca trees from my front yard. But most of the group is heading for the Sandia mountains today and will be back about 4 pm in time for dinner that Ash and Roger will cook. I will stay out of the kitchen and just eat, thank you.
Lola took digital pictures of the group last night and we all agreed to post them on A2K. So be prepared to have all your allusions shattered about the Western Gathering's beautiful people. :wink:
BBB, Hey, ALL A2Kers are "beautiful people!" I would say that the great majority of A2Kers have a beautiful heart and soul; what more can we expect from a world-wide organization of chatters? c.i.
This just stinks - we need more information.
Hey Cicerone, have you seen Dyslexia's avatar? And it doesn't even show his sexy knee-high soft leather boots. But, you're right, they all are beautiful people.
JD the famous no show of A2k was just

now she jealous
But must accept the best plans can be changed but the car bill of $1,600 is
$1,600? Did they change your tires?
