As an envious reader who would like to join you all, I will butt in where not asked to say I agree with Diane about the photographs. I think it is rude to take pictures of people who don't want them taken, whatever their reasons, and however much others would like to see them, and rude to post them online if they didn't want them taken. Actually, I think people should give permission for the online photos. I say this as someone who has met other a2kers more than once, and doesn't mind her own picture taken.
osso has a good point. During many of my travels, many places require that we ask permission to take their picture - sometimes with a token payment. That was the case in Peru, where the natives in their colorful costumes would be available at the 'tourist' spots for picture taking. We usually gave them one sol, worth about .30c. c.i.
c.i. are you still not able to make it? Can you be persuaded to reconsider?
Lola, If you inch up your dress a bit more?

People are shy in different ways. Or may have personal reasons for reticence re photos; general delight should not be assumed.
In my past experience with online friends, we show a person the photo and get their ok before posting an online picture.
Well, this reminds me of a story. Once I was overweight. Ha, I am still, a bit.
I wore an overblouse that apparently was stomach hugging. The friend used a marker to give me an adjusted black skirt before she mailed other friends the photos.. Knowing it was meant as a kindness, I have some fair antipathy to that friend after that. Love me, love my stomach, which is after all becoming smaller. This is not to carp, but a comment on sensitivities. I would love to see all your pictures.
Osso - I always try to get people to respond to my queries about posting their pix online. I also remove any pix that the subject wants removed.
is this high enough, c.i.?
Yowie, Lola, we used to wear skirts like that to work in the early seventies...course we had labcoats on too....sometimes.
In the movie world, you have to ask permission of bystanders photo'd. I just think it is a smart (+ courteous) thing to do.
I have been trying to figure out how to post a jpeg of ME here, can't seem to do it. Oh well.
Isn't that "ME" in your avatar?

No, nor was it I in the Rosso Fiorentino angel of a few months past. Ah'm just a girl, like any girl... I am neither doggy nor an angel.
All y'all enjoy your visit. I'll wish I was there once or twice while I soak in some coolness in the City of Big Shoulders over the long weekend.
(It's been hot--'90s--and dry--no rain for a month--in Space City. Am looking forward to cooler climes.)
sorry you won't be there, would have been a treat to meet you.
And you, bern.
Perhaps at the Texas Gathering in the fall...
Ossobuco, littlek and ethelred from abuzz, are always very kind about checking with the participants about the pics before posting anything. I didn't object to the photos taken in FL, but would have preferred having a say. It was my fault for not saying anything. We had such a good time that I never gave it a thought.
PDiddie, you are another person we'll miss getting to meet. Wish I could make it to the Texas gathering.
So far, we haven't been able to convince Tak, littlek, Ossobuco or Rae to come, although Rae made a valiant attempt.
This is the time that I drive myself crazy trying to decide what to pack. I always over pack and always swear I won't do it again. So far, I've never been successful in following my own advice.
Oh boy! I'm really getting excited!
Diane, We must belong to the same club. Your quote: "This is the time that I drive myself crazy trying to decide what to pack. I always over pack and always swear I won't do it again. So far, I've never been successful in following my own advice." I can tell you it's a losing battle: I've probably traveled around the world several times as mileage goes, but fail miserably at packing for any trip; just live with it - and smile at yourself. LOL c.i.