A -5
I always thought that Dad made a mistake in relenting at the last moment and giving them a big boat. They're an ungrateful lot, as apt to nail you to a tree as not. Oh well ...
About that wind thing, if we didn't have some wind here then they'd have to rename the City. Perhaps if everyone can just restrain themselves from whistling, we might squeek by with just a mild zephor or two.
Check your tickets and transportation, and finalize your list of things to bring. The following is a partial list to give consideration to:
* Photography equipment
* Three sets of underwear (name tags in indelible ink. Councilors will check). Outer clothing appropriate to the area and season. Comfy shoes. Swimsuit (recommended, but optional)
* A self addressed, stamped postcard to let your parents know you've arrived safely. Passports may be checked as you enter New Mexico ... we don't let just any riff-raff in. There is a City Ordinance requiring everyone to know how to spell Albuquerque. Police officers ask folks to spell our city name, and issue warning notices if the suspect fails. A second failure garners a hefty fine, and on the third failure folks are ridden out of town on a rail after being given a gratis suit of chicken feathers and tar.
* Suntan lotion, and a wide-brimmed hat (optional)
* An enquiring mind. Pack up all your troubles in an old kit bag, then stash it in your hall closet. Leave behind all cares and woes.
* A hundred thousand Dollars in negotiable securities (You can trust that we'll take care of it for you).