I think you misspelled 'penis' there, cjhsa.
another one on "our" side
cavfancier wrote:I also agree with Debra. Women should never let the fear of humiliation prevent them from opening their mouths when they want to. Word up, sister.
Cav: I'm so excited that you stand up for women's rights.
With good men like you arising to the challenge, those who oppress us won't be able to keep us on our knees forever. Women may now invoke a new battle cry for equality: "Men arise and allow us to open our mouths." I foresee considerable support for our cause.
And Gus--thank you for starting this Official Semen Thread. Participation herein has been a liberating experience. If my evil-twin had not burned her bra back in the '70's, she would setting this entire forum ablaze at this very moment.
These days, those who give generously should receive generously Debra. I am for the equality of the sexes.
Dare I?
Too tired tonight. Got out of work at 8 and just
finished my first meal of the day, so Thirsty Thursday participation by me is out of the question.
I did, however, help move some furniture with a very cute young guy. That will help me sleep.

Debra, you're too funny! Leave it to the lawyer to come up with the evil twin defense
the reincarnation of suzy wrote:Thirsty Thursday participation by me is out of the question.
I'm thoroughly disappointed. I will have my own Thirsty Thursday in your honor.
Was it good for you?

I had a great night's sleep!
I'm still awake from it....
Where's Gus?
I suspect that Gus is deeply involved in a time-consuming consultation with his expert authority, Moosehead, concerning the hypothetical scenario that was presented earlier for his consideration and response.
Gus, we miss you over here in the Official Semen Thread. Where art thou?
I was going to add some pictures to this thread, so I thought to myself, "Might as well Google semen"
Does that sound horrible or what? Google semen.
What word could possibly be a worse partner for Google?
Doesn't that sound like a question a cheap porno producer might ask an aspiring porno actress. "Yes, my dear, you are lovely, but can you google semen?
I'm not familiar with googling semen, but my man tells me that gargling semen has medicinal benefits and might even build up my resistence to carcinogens. Is that true?
Daily dose
To be on the safe side, my man insists that I have a daily dose. My man is most thoughtful and concerned about my health. But, I suspect that he might be over-medicating me. What do you say about that?
As Martha Stewart would say: "It's a good thing."
a semen story:
art school, 9 am painting class, the model shows up, one we'd never seen before. he's an older guy, late 50s early 60s. unusual, seeing as most nude models are in thier 20s or early 30s.
as was the custom the professor usually decided the long pose. but the model was insistent on striking his own pose.
he chose to hold the walking stick he'd brought as a prop while standng full frontal before the class.
i was on the side, seeing him in profile. not only did he have an erection, but the sun was streaming in on his profile and he was having a slow ejaculation. for a moment i felt mortified for him, convinced he would request to break the pose to collect himself.
but no, he stood not moving, with exception of the fluctuations of mr. winky and it's slow delivery. i realized, he was loving every second of it.
the class finally ended. usually models were hired for paintinig class were contracted to return for at least 3 or more classes to strike the same pose to continue work on the painting.
but, we never saw him after that day, and i don't think it was because he didn't want to return.
Eeeww! That's kind of freaky.

So did you add the ejaculate into the pic?
A woman was standing in line at the sperm bank.
The receptionist said, "You know this is a sperm bank, why are you here?"
She responded, "Um, Um, Um, Ummmmm."
Maybe she should have let the guy make his own deposit!
What is the difference between like, love, and lust?
spit, swallow, gargle.
suzy, the people standing in front him were busy erasing, repainting and erasing the changes. i didn't bother, it was too ridiculous to even try. it was his show, for 3 hours at least.
I was shocked and momentarily unnerved when Gala wrote:he chose to hold the walking stick he'd brought as a prop while standng full frontal before the class.
Damn it, Gala, that was a long time ago and I needed the friggin' money. Would you like it if I drudged up your past and pasted it all over the board?
Didn't think so.