Chuckster wrote:------------------------------------------------------------------------
Darwin + Eienstein + Hawkings + Teresa H. Kerry = Another Crackpot Creationist Conspiracy Theory
The three choices seem to be Hawking, Darwin, and Einstein.
Einstein was basically a brilliant scholar who, even when wrong, had the decency to be wrong in elegant ways. Relativity and the idea of relativistic time were basically wrong, no matter how elegant they might appear at first glance and Einstein's description of gravity is not withstanding any sort of a test of time either. The Podkletnov experiments and the USAF/Boeing GRASP program would not exist if anybody still took Einstein seriously on gravity.
Relativistic time was Einstein's explanation for the fact of light not appearing to obey the normal additive laws for velocities. The concept was based on thought experiments such as the mirror-clock experiment and not upon any real evidence, and later experiments which some claimed to have validated relativity were problematical. It turns out there is at least one better explanation for light not obeying additive laws, which does not require relativistic time:
Hawking is a certified kook who believes in time travel and is looking for ways to disguise government research grant requests on the subject.
Charles Darwin is a legitimate candidate for stupidest white man of all time, all ages. Junk science, like evolutionism, is not a victimless crime. Evolution, the idea that your fellow man is a meat byproduct of random events rather than a fellow child of God, was the most major philosophical cornerstone of naziism and communism, and a major cause of the two world wars. A true idea of how stupid this doctrine is arises from looking at Europe in 1913, and today. I mean, in 1913, Europe pretty much had the whole world by the balls, and now they're in real danger of being swamped by an immigrant tide and placed under sharia law. That's going downhill in anybody's book.
In 1913, Europe had gone for a hundred years without a major war and for several decades without any sort of a war at all on European soil and was, consequently, on top of the heap. All they had to do to stay on top of the heap was act cool or, at least if they felt some overwhelming compulsion to fight wars, fight them against distant adversaries and not against eachother. They could easily have gotten together and pushed the turks back into central asia whence they came and eliminated all islamic influence not only in Europe but in the entire Medeterranean basin for that matter.