Yes, roger... all in one, but methinks that'll be tough to find!
bigdice - maybe that's why I'm still single
go for one of the features, maybe you can train the fellow!
Just heard on the radio today that going fishing after taking viagra only costs you $10 for your fishing trip.

I'll second that Littlek.
Ya know, I didn't think I was really all THAT bad at being man-picky.
Being man-picky is good! Bad-in-bed, self-absorbed, wimpy, non-cuddling men don't deserve you! (And you've already said you don't expect 'em to pay, right? Which I imagine goes for the Jaguar, too -- do you really care if it's an oldish Honda?)
The question is not about Leiberman or any of the other candidates it's about Sharpton. Living on the west coast you have no Idea what this guy is, does or has done.
...and on most occasions, that would trouble me - I so like to one of the ones who gets the funny jokes...
Forgive me - I shall work on my appreciation of wit - this one was just a little close to me, for some reason...
sorry - got my threads mixed up...
I kinda doubt the explanation was needed, snood. I have an idea! You can edit comments on this site. Why not make it fit.
Actually, you could have deleted it, but not after following it with another post.
sozobe wrote:Being man-picky is good! Bad-in-bed, self-absorbed, wimpy, non-cuddling men don't deserve you! (And you've already said you don't expect 'em to pay, right? Which I imagine goes for the Jaguar, too -- do you really care if it's an oldish Honda?)
Well, I don't expect a guy to pay for me, certainly not while dating. But, I imagine things might get pretty boring if I could only do stuff with a guy that I could afford to pay for. I think that's one big reason why I've decided to stop the online dating thing. Until I finish paying off this stupid debt.
Really? There's a gazillion un-boring things to do for cheap, or nothing, as long as the company is good.
What? Females should pay for her date costs? WHAT? Why bother going out? Man, I'm glad I'm not dating.
Oh, it's not required. Seems like it opens up the dating pool a bit, is all. I've always paid my way, insisting upon it if need be, but that's me. I'm pathologically against being indebted in any way, which is not always a virtue, and hubby had to spend a lot of time convincing me to accept "his" money when I became a full-time mom. (We'd split all household expenses until then.) I'd saved money specifically for that reason, but he convinced me to leave that in savings if at all possible and to live off his salary plus occasional supplements from me (freelance stuff.)
Anyway, in terms of "why bother going out", why should men bother, ya know? That's part of what I've wanted to avoid -- "I paid for this, so I deserve something". I much prefer being on even footing, and it seems like the point in going out is to have fun, period.
Somewhere around page 3 or 4, Dable wrote: "Prochoice across the board. If some guy wants to wear a bra and dance around thats his choice."
What's the big deal? The fact that this bothers anyone makes me wonder why. Feeling insecure?
I see plenty of people, women and men, whose choice of appearance would not be my choice, but so what? For the most part, I thoroughly enjoy diversity, and if occasionally something is offensive, I ignore it.
The term "acceptance" was also used above. I believe the poster was referring to acceptance of a dress style, and I don't object to the term being used in that context. I do have a problem with anyone thinking anyone else needs "acceptance" for who they are. Who is anyone to "accept" or "not accept" anyone else? There's an implied judgment here, which I feel runs counter to the notion that all human life, as given, is equally worthwhile.
Women still accept being paid for by men on dates?????!!!!! HUH?
Shouldnt it be that the person "asking" someone out on a date shud be paying, be it a man or a woman ?
In my case it is simple, two men - we always share the gender related confusion here
Lovey and i always play hell paying for anything when in the company of her parents. Her dad wants to pay for everything, so we are reduced to base subtrefuge (oh, the shame) if we wanna treat them . . . otherwise, we stay home and eat wonderful meals made from groceries we bought on sale . . .
So let him pay. Maybe it makes him feel useful. If you wanna make it up, buy the guy a big screen T.V. for Christmas.
(Uh oh, now I'm confoozled. Are you dating lovey's paw?)
(angie -- I doubt much of what has been said here was said without tongue firmly in cheek. And welcome to the place...)
Hooray and welcome to Angie!
Gawd, not another one who thinks he's datin' my dad!