Well.. Ummm.. Thanks for clarifying the whole boobs thing there Sugar!

But, as many of my old Abuzz friends will tell you, I don't let anyone suck on my nipples in the middle of a restaurant!
Well, no self-respecting Bostonian would. That is just soooo New York City...
Actually, that happens in Las Vegas too!

Man, Boston must be butt-ass boring.
And -- shaved chest hair? Goddammit, no shaving below the neck.
BTW, how does one "reclaim manhood?" Do you lose it? c.i.
Prochoice across the board. If some guy wants to wear a bra and dance around thats his choice. I like sports, don't shave anything but my face (though I should start shaving the back of my neck) and do not carry any appendages on my chest.....thats my choice.
Ya start by drivin' all the "prissy pretty boys" from the runway, so that healthy, red-blooded males can ogle the scantily-clad female models . . .
How about driving all of the prissy boys off the runway and let the real men on the catwalk? Hair or no hair, we'll know ya when we see ya.
A bra for men is called a "bro". It was "invented" by Jerry Seinfeld's dad on one of the episodes "The Doorman".
'Twas George's dad - damn fine idea, if you ask me, for blokes with jiggleosity.
Now it's all ALAN ALDA's fault?
Maybe I'll have to hang up my bra - I like my men anyway they wanna be - I hate sport, I used to love going REALLY fast, I hate soap operas (except ER - blush - though that is too soap operaish for me now) - I love to fart (not in PUBLIC, sheesh!) - I occasionally have shallow, though not meaningless, sex .....well, do I have to give up my claim to womanhood?
OMGAWD! Laughing my azz off at the replies!
I'd like a bra free society! Hey Guys hang loose in boxers! ROTF.
Er, I'm not misunderstanding the meaning of "shallow sex," am I?
"BRO" is not a male bra. "BRO" is an ethnic term signifying a relation or someone very similar. Reserved for male friends.
Boston --boring?
Were the pilgrims a barrel of fun?
The word has a Seinfeldian and non-Seinfeldian significance, New Haven...
Shallow is sort of between meaningless and meaningful, patio - ought I to have said vapid, or trite?
Hey bro, your bro is showing.