Ahhhh - shallow as in "lacking in depth," not shallow as in, er, "lacking in depth" ...
Ummmm, Wilso? You invited me into this thread because.....? <whisper, whisper, whisper.....>
Oh yeah.....
My name is Rae. I do not like soap operas. I love football. I love beer. I drive really, really fast (until I hit the speed limit).
And I have 'em.
I got 'em too - and I LIKE 'em!
Oh - I don't mean I have RAE'S!!! Sheeesh...
You know, if you don't like Rae's you don't have to say so. No manners at all...
dlowan wrote:I got 'em too - and I LIKE 'em!
Sorry, All I've got is them dangly bits...
i like my bits and the bits of others.
everybody's got different bits, and that is good.
wilso, there's a gentlemens club <strip bar><nekkid women> less than 200 yards from my office. if you ever come up this way, we'll go on over.
Sounds like my kind of club!!!
pueo, You keep adding those goodies in Guam: Pizza Hut, strip bar, governor, ...... Rather than keeping us in the dark, how about telling us 'everything' in one shot?

Gentlemen's club?
is that what they think they are? gentlemen?
as much as i have enjoyed the occasional visit to a strip club, i can't say that i've ever found myself in the company of gentlemen there.
that's because wilso wasn't present.
c.i., guam abounds with gentlemen's clubs/ strip joints. all the military personnel on islad, visting naval ships from the u.s, japan, korea, and even oz. all helping to keep these fine establishments in business.
I still know how to be a gentleman.