timberlandko wrote:Ahhh. WTH, LW ... I figure folks are makin' a lot "Moore"

than is really there. I suspect both Linda "Silk Puse" Ronstadt and Michael "Sows Ear" Moore (sorry - dunno what's come over me - I find it difficult to take this very seriously :wink: ) are enjoyin' hell outta the publicity......
....Crafty critters, them showbiz folk.
LOL, nice attempt at a recovery for your side. A great attempt, actually. But no dice. This is a loss for the Iraq side.
The whole purpose of Swolf's starting of this thread is to characterize those who oppose the war as a fringe, and those who support it as the "real Americans". His intention is establish the people who hollered, screamed, and destroyed property as normal people making a normal reaction to a simply outrageous provocation-the dedication of a song to Michael Moore, with a few extra kind words about him thrown in. {I wonder how long the whole dedication bit lasted-maybe 45 seconds?).
Since the people who did this were acting as normal people would, so the scam goes, the responsiblity for the ruckus lies with the entertainer for committing such an an outrageous act as a song dedication to Michael Moore. Therefore, from a purely "business" sense, it behooves concert venues in the future to avoid dealing with such "fringe" elements when the audience is full of "normal" Americans.
In other words:
anti-Iraq = Fringe
pro-Iraq = Normal
Indeed, if the Aladdin's shabby treatment of Linda Ronstadt had been accepted by the public in general, this would have been a blow for that kind of thinking.
Unfortunately, it backfired. The new management comes in in September, Ronstadt and Moore both get to put on a well-publiized show after that, and it becomes a triumph for the anti-Iraq side in the public perception.
May I hazard a guess that this Ronstadt/Moore appearance will occur sometime
before the election?
I wonder how happy Swolf is that he started this thread now?