Foxfyre, have you seen F 9-11?
If so, did you object when Michael Moore said America was a great country?
Have you looked at the pledge he's asking people to take?
What would your objection to it be? (other than the silly bits)
part 4 of the pledge
4. I Will Take-Off Work or School on Election Day and Volunteer to Get Out the Vote.
First of all, Election day should be a national holiday. Everyone should automatically get the day off from school and work. Since it is not a holiday, the only answer is to treat it like one. Ditch work, skip school, and hit the streets!
Whatever else you do on election day, do not forget that you've got to have lunch with your non-voting five. It is part of ensuring that they will cast their votes.
Take your car, plaster it with signs that say, "DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE TODAY!" and drive around town. Make sure people get the message.
Or, you could rent a U-Haul truck, load up the back with sofas and drive around town offering people a ride to the polling place. You don't need to proselytize about your candidate, just do it as a service to the country and with the dream that someday, we'll have a president who was elected by more than a quarter of the eligible voting population.
Whenever you find yourself in public on election day (which should be often), talk very, very loudly about how much FUN you had casting your vote.
Go to the grocery stores, the malls - any place where people congregate - and nicely engage them in conversation. Get them talking about voting. If they didn't vote, encourage them to. Don't preach to them, just talk honestly about what voting means to you.
Whatever you do on your "day off," don't relax. It's not a vacation, it's a chance to change an election. And isn't that more fun that sitting on the couch watching game shows all day? It's certainly better than being at work. So hit the streets! And don't worry... if your boss or your teacher gets mad at you, just tell them you were fulfilling your patriotic duty.
pledge link
Dreadful, isn't it. Encouraging people to vote.
Harper wrote:Entire Story
Quote:Near the close of her performance, Ronstadt dedicated the Eagles hit "Desperado" to Moore, producer of "Fahrenheit 9/11," and the room erupted into equal parts boos and cheers.
She said Moore "is someone who cares about this country deeply and is trying to help."
Ronstadt has been making the dedication at each of her engagements since she began a national tour earlier this summer, but it has never sparked such a reaction.
Hundreds of angry fans streamed from the theater as Ronstadt sang. Some of them reportedly defaced posters of her in the lobby, writing comments and tossing drinks on her pictures.
Here is my post to the most complete story I could find yesterday. For those who can't keep with one topic, may I suggest you try to focus on the topic before getting off tangentially.
As an american who got out of college in '64, having lived through the beginning of americans expressing discontent (that is not true, they expressed it before, but I didn't know about it) I am nonplussed by anybody being irate at a political comment from an artist on stage. I don't suppose y'all remember the word pabulum. It was a breakfast cereal for toddlers, I think, when I was a toddler, and was used to describe bland fare for some time later. Y'all want your shows strained and spoonfed? I suppose Vegas is a special case, as people are just going for being shown something, almost anything at all, preferably with feathers.
But many performing artists stand for something, and this has been true for quite a while.
The article notes that half the audience walked out. It's real hard to believe that the half that stayed was uniformly happy with Ronstadt's behavior.
The rest of the article indicates that Ronstadt's singing career is pretty much over unless she manages to get her head back together.
Believe what you want, swolf.
I admit to discomfort about the Oscars' event being used as a platform, am not sure which way I land on that. I might prefer one short political comment from whatever side than the spooled recitation at speed of everybody on earth to be thanked, which is also a local political thing, many times, re getting more work. Or, I might not prefer it. The gauge is resting slightly towards prefer.
swolf wrote:The article notes that half the audience walked out. It's real hard to believe that the half that stayed was uniformly happy with Ronstadt's behavior.
The rest of the article indicates that Ronstadt's singing career is pretty much over unless she manages to get her head back together.
swolf, I am just going to ignore you in the future at least until you learn how to read, from the article:
Quote:Squyres said half the audience walked out, an estimate that might have been high. But the number was substantial, nevertheless.
swolf's interpretation of the facts borders on delusional.
Remember the scene where Aunt Esther was going to enter a beauty contest for women over 40 and Redd Foxx asked her what sort of qualifications she thought she had for anything like that?
Aunt Esther: "Why, child, when Ah was bo'ne, mah body was blessed by Mother Nature!!
Redd Foxx/Fred Sanford:: Riiiight... An as you got oldah, yo face was cursed by Father Time..
Ronstadt is not the only counterculture performer from the 60s who father time has not been kind to. Consider the pitiful case of Judy Collins:
Anti-war activist Judy Collins is set this evening to sing at a gala White
House state dinner -- all the while, the US led NATO war against Yugoslavia
continues unrestrained.
Collins, who made her name over the last 35 years as a social conscience, is
known for her renditions of anti-war songs such as 'Masters of War', 'Song
For Sarajevo', 'Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream' and 'Fortune of Soldiers'.
Calls to Collins' label ELEKTRA asking for clarification on whether her fans
can still apply her passionate, idealistic songs to the current war in the
Balkans were unreturned.
Incidentally, tonight's dinner -- honoring the President of the Republic of
Hungary, Arpad Goncz and his wife, Mrs. Zsuzsanna Goncz -- features
a menu of Copper River Salmon with Portobello Mushroom, Roasted Onions and
Sweet Peppers, Fennel and Herb Salad, Toasted Caraway and Tomato Sauce, Pecan
Crusted Lamb, Wilted Summer Greens, Sweet Potato Flan, Barbequed Peach Ragout,
Salad of Bibb Lettuce, Asparagus and Avocado, Stilton Crisp, Tarragon
Grapefruit Dressing.
And for dessert: Bing Cherry Strudel Surprise and Creme Fraeche....
Folk song, anybody?
possibly something like:
You know you gotta put on a re-ed light
The DNC needs money an so
You gotta sell your body to the night
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT,
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT,
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT............
You gotta wear that dress tonight
When the DNC needs money
They don't give a **** about what's wrong or right
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT,
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT,
Put on that RE-EED LIGHT............
(with apologies to Roxanne)
You have got to be the most disturbing poster that I have ever come across and I have been on message boards for a long time.
Harper wrote:revel wrote:I have almost forgotten since no one has said anything about the anthrax, but wasn't it all democratic senators who were the targets of that, or at least their names on the addresses that had the anthrax? Just something I have always thought odd and have my own conspiracy theories about.
First it was the dixi chicks, then whoopi (slim fast commercial thing) and now Linda Ronstadt. Gee, I get the feeling we're not in America anymore.
The hotel owner and the audience was out of line.
I think she looks like she is a nice middle age lady. I wonder why men think women have to remain like they did in their early twenty's and they can look like death warmed over?
I would love to see their photos, especially swolf. On another forum I used to hang out on, the right-wing nuts were always calling people fat and ugly. Then one day, someone e-mailed me their photos! What a revelation. Funny too that people with $5 haircuts and 5 year-old TJ Maxx fashions would defend Republican ideals like doing away with the estate tax and tax breaks for the wealthy. I could never figure that one out.
As far as Linda's appearance, why is it that so many great female vocalists put on so much weight in their later years. Ella, Rosemary Clooney, Peggy Lee just to name three.
If I had to guess me not being a singer or anything I would think it is because most talented performers are "thinkers" so to speak and if you are someone who thinks a lot sooner or later you get depressed a lot and so you put on weight. On the other hand, they could just be happy with themselves and not care about such things as being a perfect size six as they get older. Maybe they are tired of pandering to society and to men's ideals of what looks good and just want to be happy.
btw-i know that my above post is tacky and immature.
BTW revel, I love your Bolero...or is that ravel...
I had to look up that word, "Bolero" and I still don't know what you mean. (If I didn't have my handy dandy pocket dictionary I would be lost around here

) But anyway, revel is short for revelette which is maiden name. I always liked it so I use it on almost all message boards in one form or another.
I think he/she is both disturbing and disturbed.
Maurice Ravel composed the music "Bolero"... if you haven't heard it, you might like it.
The man taking over the club in Vegas said that Linda will be welcomed back after he gains control.
edgarblythe wrote:The man taking over the club in Vegas said that Linda will be welcomed back after he gains control.
Sounds like she'll be performing in front of a lot of empty seats...
I would LOVE to shake her hand and give her a big 'thumbs up'....
Its Peace and Love! Heya, Peace and Love ... long time no see <smiles>
no-itsme, habibi ...