McGentrix wrote:She is Timmins employee. She was hired to perform. Timmins was dissatisfied with her performance and had her walked out. As her employer, he was perfectly within his rights to do so.
Wrong. Performers perform under contract, unless the contract stated that she was not permitted to engage in any political speech, (believe me, it didn't) Ronstadt was perfectly within her rights to perform her act as she saw fit. Also, I am sure Ronstadt got paid. We don't know if Timmins had a right to revoke her lodging as we don't know what the contract specifically stated in that regard.
Not to belabor the issue but the best performers bare their souls on stage. Not only do most of the better ones share their political views with the audience but they share many personal and intimate details with their audience as well. Most fans enjoy this. Unfortrunately, most who attended the Alladin concert were just taking advantage of a nice spiff that comes with their package and not Ronstadt fans at all. Sadly, the malcontent trash who created a scene ruined the night for those Ronstadt fans who did attend.