Tue 9 Aug, 2016 06:25 pm
Guess what. Black Lives Matter has been right all along. Told you so. From today's NY Times:

The Justice Department on Wednesday will release a blistering critique of racial discrimination by Baltimore’s police department, the latest example of the Obama administration’s aggressive push for police reforms in cities where young African-American men have died at the hands of law enforcement.

The long-awaited report, coming more than a year after Baltimore erupted into riots over the police-involved death of a 25-year-old black man, Freddie Gray, is sharply critical of city policies that encourage officers to charge people with minor crimes to inflate police statistics.

The report, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, found that African-American residents were often stopped or arrested without legal justification.


In its report, the Justice Department concluded that the Baltimore Police Department “engaged in a pattern or practice of conduct” that was unconstitutional or violated federal law, including:

Making unconstitutional stops, searches, and arrests.
Using enforcement strategies of stops, searches and arrests that unfairly target African-Americans.
Using excessive force.
Retaliating against people engaging in constitutionally-protected expression.
To show how officers disproportionately stopped black pedestrians, the report cited the example of a black man in his mid-fifties who was stopped 30 times in less than four years. None of the stops led to a citation or criminal charge. Black residents, the report said, accounted for 95 percent of the 410 individuals stopped at least 10 times.

Eighty-two percent of the traffic stops were black drivers, the report said, who account for 60 percent of the driving-age population in the city.

Racial disparities were also apparent in criminal charges filed, the report said, particularly for discretionary offenses like trespassing, disorderly conduct or failure to obey.

Justice Department Investigation of the Baltimore Police Department
A Justice Department investigation into the practices of the Baltimore police department found "reasonable cause to believe that the BPD engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the Constitution or federal law."

Two weeks ago, Maryland prosecutors dropped charges against the last of six police officers charged in the April 2015 death of Mr. Gray, who sustained a fatal spinal cord injury while in custody. Thus Baltimore joined a growing list of communities where police-involved deaths sparked outrage, and even riots, yet no one was held accountable in court.

Now accountability may come in a more far-reaching form. As part of the Justice Department’s investigation, the federal government, as it has repeatedly under President Obama, is expected to demand changes in training and practices of the Baltimore Police Department, and insist on oversight by a federal judge and an independent monitor.

“I don’t think at this point, it’s about justice for Freddie Gray anymore,” said Ray Kelly, a director of the No Boundaries Coalition, a West Baltimore group that provided its own report on police abuses to the Justice Department. He added, “Now its about justice for our community, for our people.”

Baltimore is among nearly two dozen cities that the Obama administration has investigated after they were accused of widespread unconstitutional policing. Using its broad latitude to enforce civil rights laws, the Justice Department has demanded wholesale change in how cities conduct policing. In several cities, including Seattle; Cleveland; and Ferguson, Mo., those investigations began in the aftermath of a high-profile death that sparked protests and in some cases riots.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Matt Apuzzo reported from Washington, and Richard A. Oppel Jr. from New York.

Tue 9 Aug, 2016 07:56 pm
Link to the article you are referring to. That is an article that makes a point.
cicerone imposter
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 08:01 pm
Anyone who has kept up with this topic knows that the police discrimination against Blacks in a nation wide problem.

I'll be more than happy to provide more links to support this claim.
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 08:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Thank you for the link. If you have more within easy reach, I'm more than happy to read them.
cicerone imposter
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 09:21 pm
There's a whole slew of articles under "police discrimination." From my brief reading of a couple of them, it seems perceptions of police discrimination still persists, but I'm not sure about the actuality.
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 09:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,
read the Times article.
cicerone imposter
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 09:35 pm
Thank you. My memory is really bad now, and I'm making more mistakes about information on many subjects. I may have to dismiss myself from all public forums before I piss off everybody.
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 11:03 pm
ABSOLUTELY! That is what I have been screaming the whole time. Racism is real, and just because your skin is a certain color does not mean you are any more or less racist. The same goes with gender and occupation. The reason I side with cops on this one is cops DO have laws and codes and they do sometimes disown people for not following the rules cops need to follow, regardless of color. That is because police, as an organization, are not racist and therefore hire ALL races, and arrest ALL races, and hold accountable ALL races of cops (given there is enough evidence of wrongdoing). Black Lives Matter will ALWAYS point the finger at a white cop and claim innocence for a black "victim", regardless of evidence in the individual situation. That's because the group is racist. There is no situation, there's just a color.
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 11:10 pm
Walmart 911-Caller Ronald Ritchie To Be Indicted For Lying To Police Before They Shot John Crawford

Old date on this but posting anyway.
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 11:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I agree with that article, because that has always been the perception I get from Black Lives Matter. I have yet to see anything positive come from them, and if it did it's only to smear my race and help only black people. I think that's bullshit compared to what cops do, which hire all races, arrest all races, protect all races, and sometimes die protecting all races, including the blacks. Even if its at a anti-white cop rally screaming about how white cops are racists, bigots, should be fried like bacon, etc.
0 Replies
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 11:22 pm
This is completely correct, because before Black Lives Matter no one really cared about it. All lives actually just mattered and a lot of people were actually in the same boat, without labeling race, sexual preferences, or gender.
We were getting closer, instead of racist laws we just had racist people and now this crap about white people being racist, sexist, bigots, blah blah blah. What did BLM think this would create? Tolerance built by knocking over liquor stores and cop bashing?
Tue 9 Aug, 2016 11:44 pm
I worked at a Cristy's (like a 7/11) years ago and was held up at gunpoint by a white teenaged kid with a bb gun. I was alone in the store and it was 3AM. I will tell you there is no way to mistake a bb gun for any other type of gun, even from a distance. The first thing you notice about the gun is the end which is tooled with a tiny hole.

I could not tell you what an AR-57 looks like (I don't own 3 of them) but I know what a bb gun looks like and I have never been in the military.

I slowly walked up to the kid and the second he turned his head I took the gun from him... I picked him right up, walked over to the door carrying him, kicked the door open and threw him out and said, "get out!".

Wed 10 Aug, 2016 12:05 am
Forgive me but you are living in a cosy little bubble if you think no-one cared about it. No-one privileged (and unempathic) cared about it. The people suffering it sure did. But without power who would listen?

Wed 10 Aug, 2016 12:16 am
I agree with you Hingehead, gays who were constant victims of hate crimes sure cared about it. Women who were regularly brutalized by violent male chauvinist pigs cared about it. Blacks who were targeted because of their color cared about it.

The only people who didn't care about it are likely still part of the ghastly problem.

Let's make America great again? What a horrible thought!
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 12:34 am
It would seem that John Crawford picked up a gun that the NRA's best have manufactured to look like a real military style gun. This in itself is a crime against humanity.

And John Crawford did not look like he was up any good with that gun.. I don't know but apparently a court of law felt the guilt rested on John's behalf.

Cops killed man at Walmart, then interrogated girlfriend

Do you know who used excessive force here?

Gun manufacturers and they need to be sued for it!

Why not make toy nuclear bombs next? WTF!!!!

Gun culture has gotten out of control!
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 06:17 am
vikorr wrote:

People in Australia aren't allowed to defend themselves? I find that hard to believe from all the movies I've seen.

Seems like if someone was pounding your head into the sidewalk that you'd do all you could to not die.
Of course they are - I'm not sure how you came to ask such an absurd question from anything I've said.

Because you said this:

vikorr wrote:

(Zimmerman made news even here in Australia - no one I know could quite believe the laws there allowed him to get away with it)

Seems to imply that you guys do not have laws about defending yourself which is what Zimmerman was doing. It's an old wound though and we should leave that scab alone probably.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 06:43 am
@cicerone imposter,
Please don't. Just ignore people, you are doing fine. I know many of us would miss you. You should post as long as you feel like it. It is good to keep your mind active as well as your body.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 07:08 am
Gunfire Erupts in Ferguson After Protestor Struck by Car
0 Replies
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 08:09 am
Cop Tases Handcuffed Girl Until She Becomes Vegetative, Dies

I couldn't watch the video.

Tasing a handcuffed girl?

She needs justice to be done. Sad

People turn from this in such horror that nothing gets done to absolve her death.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 08:15 am
@cicerone imposter,
DO NOT LEAVE! Especially if only another normally polite member only got out of bed from the wrong side this morning!

I'd miss you a lot!
0 Replies

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