Quote:I see you've found a kindred spirit in Vikorr, that's far from surprising. You both go out of your way to condemn all Muslims and black people while simultaneously bending over backwards to justify racist killers.
You're such a liar izzy.
I condemn the religion of Islam as opposed to Muslims (the followers - many of whom don't know their own texts, but take an Imams words) -
as you well know, with me having to correct you on this lie of yours, what, 10=20 times?
For the record here - I call you a liar.
You can easily disprove this accusation by trying to link several posts of mine where I attack Muslims, rather than the
ideology/ religion of Islam.
And please don't be stupid enough to link posts where all I do is link newspaper articles of terrorist attacks (which is just a news story of a current event) - show something where I offer a written
personal opinion. It should be easy as I've posted hundreds of posts on this subject.
Unliked your hateful vitriol that you have so often directed at me, I have never directed such at you. I have consistently said:
- most westerners aren't curious enough to look into the Islamic holy texts, and Mohammed for themselves
- they aren't curious enough to look into whether or not Islamic holy texts match what is happening in the world today (in regards to Islamic terrorism)
- if they do so, I am happy for them to come to their own opinion, even if it differs from mine.