For those who believe Cheney is an experienced leader, I can only say that he and his neocon following have lead us into the morass that is Iraq. Cheney's experience in government doesn't earn him anything. It is his experience that has made the middle east less stable. For all his experience, he cannot resist lying to the public and attempting to hide all the things he does FROM the public.
Despite the silly claims of Karzak noted above, Edwards is no "ambulance chaser." I challenge Karzak to tell us why he uses that term and what evidence he has to back it up. Furthermore, if Karzak and/or his family was injured as the result of a surgical, automobile or industrial accident, the first person he would call would be a trial attorney. Would that be somehow "different?"
What is more fun to watch is the republican's claim that John Edwards was a trial lawyer and is unfit for Kerry's administration. As a writer to the San Jose Merc said the other day, Abraham Lincoln was also a trial lawyer, and she prefers Edwards to a failed oil executive. I second that!
Bush keeps saying that our preemptive attack on Iraq was justified, because terrorism has been reduced. Anybody want to buy a bridge for sale in Sudan?
Now here's an article that made me smile!
Quote: Campaign Paragon
John Edwards has morphed into an almost-perfect candidate. And his sunny outlook is infecting Kerry, too