Foxfyre Wrote:
Quote:I dunno McG. Bush is getting rapped badly now by the far right for being complimentary about Edwards. If he declared Edwards sexy, they might lynch him (Bush).
To which I replied 'they'd lynch him for being homophobic, for sure.'
Remember, it's the FAR right we're talking about here. And if you're trying to claim that the far right is no more homophobic than ANYONE on the left, you really
are streching.
"Do you still beat your wife" is the example of the kind of question that does not have a favorable answer to the answeree.
Likewise, the question "Can you disprove" what someone else cannot prove does nothing for the discussion.
"Prove you have destroyed your WMD" is the same kind of false premise.
You should have realized the relationship between the queries, instead of taking it personally, and calling me ignorant and it crap.
(It actually
is crap, but not the same kind of crap as you think...)
And I would also, if I were you, lay off calling me ignorant, if you don't mind.
Cheney has had several heart attacks and is walking around with a fibrillator implant and you talk of Kerry's health. Imagine what the dummy would do without the puppet master.
Anywho, will the he does not have the experience ploy work.
Someone must be running the country, the schmuck sure isn't. In any event whoever it is- is doing a piss poor job of it.
Really could this question of Edwards experince be anymore disengenious?
GWB joined us with the thinnest Resume of anyone who has run for the Presidency.
One thing Edwards can say with utter confidence is that he wasn't a drunk until 40, didn't desert the ANG and actually was a successful business man. Oh and he has spent more then the 145 days total as Senator V. Bush as Gov.
Hey au and pdiddie, abuzz you doing?
Hey guys. If your intent is to have this post locked a few more insults and no doubt you will succeed. How about a little civility.
Quote:However, I think being for or against same sex marriages has little to do with homophobia and more do to with practical and equal protection issues that have nothing to do with sexual orientation. At least it does for me.
Let me fill you in on a little secret. A lot of people are against same-sex mairrages because they are
You're not, which is great. But I would be willing to bet that a large percentage of those who are against it, are not against it because they have done a lot of research on the subject, but are knee-jerking their way into blocking people's rights, because they are
There is NO DIFFERENCE between this and the civil rights movements of last century. The same arguments used to deny same-sex mairrage are the ones used to deny rights to minorities. You can dress it up all you want, but it's the truth...
Redheat wrote:Hey au and pdiddie, abuzz you doing?

Man, look at that.
A Redheat sighting.
Why don't you stick around awhile?
Or at least drop by more often than once every six months?
Shouldn't the question be "how many past presidents and vice presidents had prior political experience, and how did they perform their jobs?"
Why are you comparing edwards to bush?
Compare edwards to cheney
Cheney compares very well to edwards, very similar resumes. I think Cheney has a real edge over an ambulance chaser.
There have been prominent republicans calling for Cheney's removal from the ticket in 04. He has become a liability rather than an asset. Both Powell and McCain have been suggested as his replacement.
cicerone imposter wrote:Shouldn't the question be "how many past presidents and vice presidents had prior political experience, and how did they perform their jobs?"
I don't think the issue is political experience, per se, but rather executive and administrational experience.
Speaking of experience,
Here's an experience the DemVeepWannabe prolly wishes he'd skipped
It don't seem to be goin' away
The guy is a lawyer. I'm sure he has plenty of experience f*cking people over. He should do just fine.
D'Amato came out and said what has been rumored for months
Dump Cheney,
D'Amato urges
Former New York Republican Sen. Alfonse D’Amato, who suggested yesterday that party dump the current veep, Dick Cheney, in favor of Secretary of State Powell, got very cool response from Bush campaign.
One of New York's top Republicans shocked his party yesterday by urging President Bush to dump Dick Cheney and replace him with Secretary of State Powell."I will shock Republicans and probably get them angry," said former Republican Sen. Alfonse D'Amato. "But I think we could do better."
Powell "would help galvanize the nation and offer a truly historic opportunity for American unity and pride," he told the New York 1 cable news channel. If Powell does not want to be vice president, D'Amato suggested, Bush could tap his sometime rival John McCain, the Arizona senator, for the No. 2 spot on the ticket.
McCain, said D'Amato, is "a genuine American hero who would also help bridge the political divide in our nation and assure the President's reelection by a wide margin."
D'Amato is a political patron of Gov. Pataki, who is set to introduce Bush at the Republican convention in Manhattan next month. He is the highest-profile Republican to voice what some in his party have been saying quietly - that the curmudgeonly Cheney could be a drag on the Republican ticket.
Pataki quickly distanced himself from D'Amato's remark.
"Everyone knows that Gov. Pataki is supporting President Bush and Vice President Cheney," Pataki spokesman Kevin Quinn said. "They make a great team."
The Bush campaign dismissed The Fonz's suggestion.
"I think the fact our campaign is called 'Bush-Cheney '04' says it all," said campaign spokesman Kevin Madden. "Dick Cheney has one of the most substantive vice presidencies in our great nation's history."
D'Amato dropped his bomb a day after John Kerry picked telegenic John Edwards as his running mate.
Cheney has taken heat lately for continuing to insist that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and for his ties to Halliburton, the company he once headed whose no-bid contracts in Iraq have come under congressional scrutiny.
The veep caught more flak last week when he dropped the F-word on Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) during a spat on the Senate floor and then bragged that he "felt better" for having said it.
D'Amato, who lost his senate seat to Chuck Schumer in 1998, said he believes Bush will be reelected, even with Cheney on the ticket.
"Let me note that Vice President Cheney is a decent, honorable and patriotic American, a man of great intellect, who has served the President and the nation with dedication," D'Amato said in a statement released by his office.
Could it be that Chaney has too much experience, of the wrong kind.
All things are possible in an infinite universe. The probability of some things is higher than the probability of other things. At this point, I believe a Cheney exit is a thing of vanishingly small probability, anticipated only by those with so desperate a need to believe it borders on the cultlike. It is plain to see from whence Mike Moore draws his audience, and from whence The Left draws its base. I find great comfort in this.
Quote:It is plain to see from whence Mike Moore draws his audience, and from whence The Left draws its base. I find great comfort in this.
Informed, intelligent people who care about others?
And you're comfortable because deep in your secret heart, you know Bush will lose and it makes you feel good because you know Kerry will do a better job?
Ah, I'm just kidding
A sense of humor is indespenible to this sort of discussion, Cycloptichorn ... that or an irredeemable madness
Karzak wrote:Why are you comparing edwards to bush?
Compare edwards to cheney
Cheney compares very well to edwards, very similar resumes. I think Cheney has a real edge over an ambulance chaser.
I always thought an ambulance chaser was a unsuccessful lawyer looking for a buck. Isn't that really where the term derives from? So in that context he wouldn't fit since he was successful and didn't need to go looking for cases they came to him because he was so good. You know like when Bush goes seeking a lawyer to find out a way around torture laws and to defend him against treasoneous acts such as outing a CIA operative.
Now Cheney's resmume includes dealing with Saddam before and after sanctions. Something about abestos and putting thousands of peoples health in danger and now I believe he's being looked at for criminal actions by the US and France. So in that light I'd hardly be bragging about Cheney's great "resume"
Interesting data. When I see polls such this one, I always wonder, WHO were the people that responded? Who has the time to respond to these types of surveys? Answer my two questions, and we might discover, why the results were as reported.
kickycan wrote:The guy is a lawyer. I'm sure he has plenty of experience f*cking people over. He should do just fine.
I'm sure, Kerry knows this aspect of Edwards' personality. That's one reason, why he selected Edwards as a running mate.

Water seeks it's own level.