McGentrix wrote:Quote:Is this a suggestion or do you have evidence something worse could happen to Canada if there wouldn't be the mighty, big, important, admired US military?

Do you have evidence that there wouldn't?
Canada has its own army. Its you who's saying that thats not what does the trick - its thanks to
America that Canada survives. And they should just be grateful and know their place! Quite a contention to make, but you still wont even name a single example of what the US has protected / is protecting Canada against.
Was Canada spared a Soviet attack thanks to American military power? If Set is to be believed, its more like the other way round. I dunno, but you at least dont seem to have any argument for the other side.
Was Canada spared, say, a Nazi attack thanks to America? LOL ... lets not even take that one seriously.
Was Canada spared the threat by, say, communist revolutionaries in Vietnam, Cuba or Nicaragua? Oh, those didnt actually pose a threat to the US itself, either, that was about something else, OK.
Is Canada being protected against Al-Qaeda by the States? I dunno, is it? Would Al-Qaeda want to attack Canada - isnt their beef more specifically with America resp. the countries with troops in Iraq? And if Al-Qaeda does have intentions towards Canada, would the Canadese not be able to fend againt it by itself? You claim to know they wouldnt be, right? Oh, and what use is neighbouring to the huge American military hegemoth if the danger most likely is one of a sneaky, low-tech terrorist attack? And if AQ attacks Canada, wouldnt it rather be
because of it being next to the US than despite it?
See, lots of possible arguments. We'll have to consider 'em by ourselves tho, seeing how you wont even venture into suggesting any kind of actual argument for your assertion yourself, whatsoever. Theres just the mantra that Canada has been protected against "the SAME EXACT threats that the US faces" - unspecified threats, protected against in unspecified ways - we're just to believe so. Like a good American would.