All we americans really care about is who wins on American Idol. Oh, and making sure the most people possible hear our uninformed and idiotic opinions on the rest of the world.
nimh wrote: Its not that they necessarly thought Iraq didn't have WMD - I'm sure they thought it likely. After all, we knew Iraq still had had WMD a few years before, even if most of them had been destroyed by the inspections regime. But they thought that, in order to OK war, hard evidence was needed that Iraq still had them, and refused to disarm. And the evidence Powell presented was deemed perplexingly unconvincing.
Foxfyre wrote:Virtually every nation in the world, including Canada, Germany, France, and the rest of the entire U.N., believed Saddam had WMD at the time the U.S. invaded Iraq. The issue then was never whether WMD existed--everybody believed they did.
Whether you use the word believed or "thought it likely" it means pretty much the same thing to me. Tony Blair made a very compelling speech about how 9/11 changed his thoughts about how he felt about what he "believed". I'm sure you remember it. Feel free to disagree with the decisions made but I think it is disingenuous to deny others this rationale (connection between 9/11 and Iraq).
Foxfyre: where is the profit?
kickycan wrote:All we americans really care about is who wins on American Idol. Oh, and making sure the most people possible hear our uninformed and idiotic opinions on the rest of the world.
I think this takes the cake for idiotic statements today.
Speak for yourself, Kicky
Ps. What nationality is Setanta again?
OCCOM BILL wrote:kickycan wrote:All we americans really care about is who wins on American Idol. Oh, and making sure the most people possible hear our uninformed and idiotic opinions on the rest of the world.
I think this takes the cake for idiotic statements today.
Speak for yourself, Kicky
Ps. What nationality is Setanta again?
Woohoo! I am in the clear!
Rick, the 'profit' was in the lucrative contracts to rebuild. Everybody wanted a cut of that pie.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:McGentrix wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:kickycan wrote:All we americans really care about is who wins on American Idol. Oh, and making sure the most people possible hear our uninformed and idiotic opinions on the rest of the world.
I think this takes the cake for idiotic statements today.
Speak for yourself, Kicky
Ps. What nationality is Setanta again?
Woohoo! I am in the clear!
the day's not over....

I was thinking the same thing...
That's not the topic what I'm talking about Foxfyre - the profit of the War On Terrorism is what I mean.
Nimh, no matter how many time 'we people' say it, I think even a cursory reading of the transcripts of the U.N. debates would verify that everybody concurred Saddam had WMD. The disagreement was on whether the inspectors should be allowed more time to find (and confiscate) them while we continued to contain Saddam, or whether the risk of him completing and deploying dirty biological or nuclear bombs was too great.
And I think no matter how many times 'you people' try to make that into something else, it won't change what was believed at the time.
Bill, my Canadian nature feels the need to apologize once again. Perhaps Canada does not have superior bacon to the American model, with the exception of peameal or back bacon. I was mistaken. In terms of regular strip bacon, the Irish version is the best.
Ya, whatever. I bet your over-abundance of mad cows are going at with your pathetic pigs right now. Soon you'll come crawling back to us begging for some untainted bacon. No worries, your GREAT North American neighbors will be only too happy to share.
OCCOM BILL wrote:No worries, your GREAT North American neighbors will be only too happy to share.
I thought Canada had only one North American neighbor. But there seems to be another one
OCCOM BILL wrote:Ya, whatever. I bet your over-abundance of mad cows are going at with your pathetic pigs right now.
Lordy lord, I think you just described the average American marriage!
Rick d'Israeli wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:No worries, your GREAT North American neighbors will be only too happy to share.
I thought Canada had only one North American neighbor. But there seems to be another one

Alaska is still on the fence.
cavfancier wrote:Alaska is still on the fence.
Alaska is Russian right? :wink:
cavfancier wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Ya, whatever. I bet your over-abundance of mad cows are going at with your pathetic pigs right now.
Lordy lord, I think you just described the average American marriage!

Yea, lucky for us in the US the good looking canadian girls all cane down here.
cavfancier wrote:Alaska is still on the fence.
Personally though I would be in favor of Alaska becoming Dutch.