You AGREE about Hassidim? What on earth do you think you are agreeing with? And if I'd said 'jews in general' or 'people with red hair and short fingers'? Equally fit for zoo viewing?
steissd " But no one is supposed to be in contact with gays, if he or she rejects their lifestyle, even if it is innate."
is this a new version of "untouchable" or a further example of "separate but equal"?
blatham wrote:Sure, all 'lifestyles' are learned, and propensities are innate. Same sex interactions are common in primates and throughout the animal world in general, there's nothing at all unusual or unnatural about such. Thus the really interesting question is why anyone gets in a tizzy about it.
Of course, by 'tizzy' we can refer to something a little less frivolous. Here in Vancouver just today, a 19 year old was arrested for bludgeoning a gay man to death when this perpetrator was only 17.
But blatham, it is common for primates to maim and sometimes kill one another, and violent behavior within species can be seen throughout the animal world in general. There is likewise really nothing at all unusual or unnatural about such. So why would anyone get in a tizzy about it?
(Hey, you opened the door; I just helped you through it.) :wink:
I think you can see my point--that what occurs in the animal kingdom may be
natural but at the same time
undesirable. (I am not commenting on homosexuality here, but simply pointing out the flaw in an argument commonly made, but seldom seriously considered, by proponents of gay rights.
Why? Where do you find bigotry, C.I.?
What is wrong about "separate but equal"?
I agree that Hassidim look in a weird way. They do this quite deliberately, unlike Jews in general or red-haired people. The same refers to the gay pride parade participants, and not to gays in general. But I do not advocate killing either of them.
That's a reasonable injunction, the not killing folks for sexual preference. How about if they (the holding themselves back from killing crowd) shut the hell up and minded their own business, that sounds fine to me. You might, for example, engage in anal sex with your wife, or oral sex, or spankings...this would be my business? Look after your self, and keep your bigotry inside your own head.
Bad analogy, and you should have got that before clicking submit. The differences are pretty major...sovereignty of one's body and will versus cohersion and injury, and of course the matter of mutual consent.
Natural means, of course, of nature. Not all in nature is good, sure. Natural gives no licence for anything, merely an explanation for source or cause. The contest occurs when one posits a supernatural (outside of nature) intention, and then makes the claims that this intention has superiority and that it is understandable and communicates prescriptions which ought to be followed. But there isn't one single part of that sequence which resides on anything but faith...a shaky ground indeed for much that might compel another outside of that faith.
I think Blatham seems to have identified it too. c.i.
Your way of disagreement more resembles bigotry than mine, blatham. I do not launch personal attacks on the A2K members I do not agree with and do not advise them to "shut the hell up". Neither do I try to insult their ethnic origin by direct ("Jews in general") or indirect ("Hassidim") ways. I express my opinion, just like all the other participants do. Or, maybe, you disregard freedom of speech? Hmm, I thought that all the Americans respected the First Amendment to their Constitution...
steissd: "Hmm, I thought that all the Americans respected the First Amendment to their Constitution..."
just another of our myths--
dys, Do you think if we revealed the many myths about America, they would stop trying to swarm into this country?

LOL c.i.
I think this likely to be our last fun interaction. I didn't insult jews or Hassidim - my insult was directed at you personally. I took what was explicit or implicit in your sentences regarding homosexuals and turned it back on you, only to discover you are happy to disparage even the Hassidim for their looks too. I haven't attacked you for having differing opinions. I've attacked you for saying really unthoughtful things too often.
tres, There may be some truth to the idea that "same sex is probably a variable part of the psyche of all human beings." It was many years ago, but I now remember reading something about the stages of adolescence, homosexual attraction is 'normal.' However, I think it's a phase that comes and goes for most without any actual action in behavior - as you surmised. That was long before gays came out of the closet, and I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it. However, my philosophy of "equality for all" still stands - whether they were influenced or not. c.i.
BTW, I see violence and sex in movies as more of an influence. c.i.
steissd - you do realize that there are members of this site who could be personally offended by your comments about homosexuals, don't you?
as to taking children to the gay pride parade, it is like taking children to any fun event where you might run into friends and/or family - where you might want to wave at a friend or family member in the parade - and where you plan to have a good time.
I have been avoiding this thread for ages because I knew it would, at some point, make me angry. I had to come and look.....grrrr
hi beth, glad to see you here. i also think gay parades are a lot of fun, as any other parades or outings. i have been to quite a few (i do not quite believed in judging things on the basis of TV viewing), never felt as if i went to look at some exots in the zoo. perhaps because i have quite a few gay friends whom i get along with tremendously (there is no better thing than to chat with a gay friend about men!) and do not find them in any way menacing or weird. why on earth would i? i would like to understand why the same sex marriage is so often portrayed as disastrous to a society. whom exactly does it hurt?
apparently it challanges men who are unsure of themselves, as in "thou dust protest too much?"
I'm going to admit that I haven't read through everything since my last post on this thread.....
But, what happened to 'love'?
Prejudice and intolerance. That's what happened.
Bite me.