When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Frank Apisa
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 02:13 pm
engineer wrote:

I get that some people see Clinton setting up her own server as a bit paranoid. I get some that some people see that as Clinton playing fast with the rules. At the end of the day, none of her emails are on Wikileaks and there in no evidence that the Chinese or Russians or Israelis hacked her server. The sad reality is that Clinton's server was probably more secure than the government's, if only because no one knew it was there. I just can't get excited about this when there are plenty of whopper issues facing the government.

It certainly is not an issue to get excited about. It is baloney.

But it is a welcome respite from hearing "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" all the time.
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 03:34 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you don't think Hillary's promise to the families of the dead as the corpses were returned at Dover AFB to get and procsecute" that bad guy who made the film mocking Muhammed that she said caused the attack, then four days after the clear judgement by both CIA and DIA that it was clearly an al quaeda directed attack, was a whopper, then perhaps you don't know much about lies.

The Department she led deniued repeated requests by the now dead ambassador to beef up his security and other fairly clear warnings from security officials within the department. Who was held accountable for that?

Sneering at these criticisms doesn't invalidate them or wash away their effect on the people who, now in growing numbers, are rejecting her candidacy.
Frank Apisa
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 03:38 pm
Oh, I see, George.

My bad.

I missed your point completely.

Hillary lies and stretches the truth for political gain...and you want a candidate who does not lie or stretch the truth for political gain.

Hummm. Doggone!

Well...good luck with that!

Wed 9 Sep, 2015 04:01 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Vote Bernie!!!! He qualifies!
Frank Apisa
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 04:03 pm
Lash wrote:

Vote Bernie!!!! He qualifies!

Tell that to George. He's the one looking for that.

And as I have said many times...if Sanders is the nominee of the Dems...I WILL vote for him...enthusiastically and proudly.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 04:33 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I agree with you about the near universality of these behaviors. However, the Clintons appear to be unusually adept and impressively frequent practitioners of the art.
Frank Apisa
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 05:32 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

I agree with you about the near universality of these behaviors. However, the Clintons appear to be unusually adept and impressively frequent practitioners of the art.

I do not like robbers of any sort, George...

...but a really clever jewel thief is fun to read about.

And if I were interested in protecting my jewels or valuables...a really good jewel thief is who I'd be looking to for advice and leadership.
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 06:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You like Clinton because she's a really good thief?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 06:25 pm
0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 11:05 pm
Thank you for proving my continsion. An insulting answer is what I expected from you and what I got.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 11:11 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
And the republicans who control government are better than her. Oh well, it dosent matter, the reason I want a democratic president is the supreme court. Any democrat will do but we will never have a democratic house due to the republican gerrymandering. The best we can hope for is a democratic president and senate. You could elect Jesus as a democratic president and the republican house would start an investigation of him once a week.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 11:15 pm
This is how I read the news but you have to read the whole article because in the first paragraph they always claim it was top secret when she sent or received. Sells newspapers.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 11:21 pm
Not as good as the republican house members who seem to even more teflon than you all say Clinton is. The house even stopped government for months and got away with it. Wish more of the posters here understood more about government. What is it, 97 bengazi investigations and still no proof of wrong doing.
Wed 9 Sep, 2015 11:24 pm
0 Replies
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 03:05 am
I was always wondering about the question of this tred. Really, that bitch actually thinks she can get nomination! At the same time as she will be getting prosecuted. Amazing!
This whole administration should be impeach and prosecuted for treason. How American people can tolerate this reckless, antiamerican behavior of Obama and his administration??

But the real question should be ask if those idiot's who vote for people like that forgot their brain when they were at the voting booth??
What is the source that leftiest here are getting their ideas from? I guess Marx and Lenin ideology combined with something even more sinister.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 06:46 am
Atlantic's Steve Clemons: Hillary Clinton Gave A "Very Neoconservative" Speech.

(includes video)
Steve Clemons, Washington editor of The Atlantic, analyzes Hillary Clinton's speech at The Brookings Institute encouraging support for the Iran nuclear deal. Clemons said we heard a "dark, muscular" side of the Democratic presidential hopeful. Clemons described her speech as neoconservative.

"This is Hillary Clinton reminding a lot of people in the Democratic base what they used to be worried about her, that this is a candidate who's clutch is very much in the position of being prepared for war, being prepared for conflict, a very dark, muscular side of Hillary Clinton," Clemons said.

Clemons also said Clinton's speech was a "repudiation of the Obama pivot to Asia."

"Though she supports the Iran deal, what we heard is a sort of repudiation of the Obama pivot to Asia, saying that we were going to double down in the Middle East, which President Obama said is not where the future of the United States is," Clemons said Wednesday morning on MSNBC.

"The real thing going on in the Middle East is the Sunni/Shia civil war and she seemed to give no indication that she understands the true dynamics of the tectonic conflict in the region which is in a different place," he added.

"She gave a very neoconservative sounding speech," Clemons declared.

bobsal u1553115
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 06:51 am
I think she has what it takes to be an effective American President, she was a very good Sec/ty of State.

I have a lot of trouble with her stands on dark political donations, IWR, fracking, Keystone, NSA intercepts, capital punishment, TPP, three strike laws, mandatory minimum sentences .... things by and largely you don't agree with her on.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 06:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
This speech does more to turn me off of Clinton than anything with the email server. A "muscular" Mid East policy has pretty much been shown to be a terrible position to take. I think she is completely down with this policy - it's not an act, and that makes me think far less of her. Not so much that I'd vote for any of the Republicans running, but enough that I'd vote against her in the primaries.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 07:18 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 10 Sep, 2015 07:20 am
I will not vote for her in the primary, I will enthusiastically vote for her against everyone in the clown car.

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