parados wrote:oralloy wrote:Mr. Obama is the one who chose to waste all of his second term political capital in futile attacks against the NRA
Yeah, Obama didn't negotiate with Iran or make trade deals with Asia or raise the minimum wage for Federal contractors or help with retirement savings of Americans.
What he didn't do is get any of his legislation passed in his second term.
parados wrote:He spent all of his time attacking the NRA.
Not all his time. Only until he had used up all of his political capital and there was nothing left to get any legislation passed.
parados wrote:The funny thing about spending all his time doing that is the media didn't cover it one bit but instead made up a bunch of other issues they asked Obama about and Obama gave speeches about.
The media covered it extensively. It dominated the first year of his second term.
parados wrote:Oralloy, I really think you need to see a psychologist. You are losing all sense of reality.
I see reality just fine.
Come election day, Mr. Obama will have failed to pass meaningful legislation for six straight years, and it will be because he foolishly wasted all of his second term political capital on futile attacks against the NRA instead of passing useful legislation like he should have been doing.
After the Republicans retake the White House in 2016, they will get to replace a number of retiring liberals on the Supreme Court with conservative justices.