When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

reasoning logic
Sat 3 Sep, 2016 10:08 pm
Posting video clips isnt necessarily antisocial, its merely narcissistic floggery

Interesting point of view that I have never heard before. Thanks for sharing!

Do you think most narcissists share videos that others have made rather than their own?
reasoning logic
Sat 3 Sep, 2016 10:09 pm
For some people if they can progress from ugly behaviour to mere anti-social commentary I wouldn't call it progressive

I am not surprised at all.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Sep, 2016 10:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
I think they do if it bolsters their preconceived notions, especially if they think it burnishes their view of themselves.
reasoning logic
Sat 3 Sep, 2016 10:59 pm
I think they do if it bolsters their preconceived notions, especially if they think it burnishes their view of themselves.

Do you also think that narcissists share prosocial videos that promote ethical ideas and moral behavior?
Sat 3 Sep, 2016 11:59 pm
Which is why I have quit posting to Reason. When Hillary is elected I will begin conversing with reason again but reason and Lashes unreasoning hatred of Hillary makes it impossible to reason with them so why try?
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 12:08 am
I put him on ignore after one moronic video too many. All he does is post videos from unhinged individuals, then demand other people not only watch it, they also explain it to him.

It's pointless and soul destroying.
0 Replies
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 03:21 am
Blickers Wrote:
You complain that Hillary MIGHT have exposed 10 Emails to enemy hands, although no record exists that actually occurred

The FBI has determined that on January 5th 2013 a Clinton family server was hacked 3 times by someone using the tor program... and if they had access to One account they had access to all. Anyone who believes that one or more foreign governments do not have every single solitary email on the Clinton servers is an idiot or is paddling down that famous river in Egypt.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 03:29 am
@reasoning logic,
Do you also think that narcissists share prosocial videos that promote ethical ideas and moral behavior?

Sure. Why not?
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 03:33 am
farmerman wrote:

Posting video clips isnt necessarily antisocial, its merely narcissistic floggery

I don't see you saying the same thing to Bobsal... how hypocritical of you
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 03:47 am
RABEL222 wrote:

Which is why I have quit posting to Reason. When Hillary is elected I will begin conversing with reason again but reason and Lashes unreasoning hatred of Hillary makes it impossible to reason with them so why try?

Kind of like your unreason hatred of trump and the police huh?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 04:24 am
0 Replies
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 04:35 am
If you notice, bobsal spends more time than you and RL and several others together in supplying his own views. When you understand those differences among you, then will you be a man my son.
reasoning logic
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 04:50 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Do you also think that narcissists share prosocial videos that promote ethical ideas and moral behavior?

Sure. Why not?

I do know of someone who comes close but I don't think he has an interest in sharing videos that promote ethical ideas and moral behavior.
He claims to be very narcissistic and teaches others why they should stay far away from people who have narcissistic personality disorders.

0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 04:53 am
When you understand those differences among you, then will you be a man my son.

Can you feel the fatherly love?
0 Replies
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 06:37 am
Here’s a tale of two scandals. Guess which one will get more play?

It is too long to post the whole thing (sometimes I do that in case people don't want to click on the link)but here are two excerpts which make the point.

To sum up: An executive at the Clinton Foundation made a request of Hillary Clinton’s aide, and didn’t get what he was asking for . Now maybe there is some real evidence somewhere of corruption at the State Department during Clinton’s time there, but that sure as heck isn’t it.

Yesterday we learned that Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty over a contribution his foundation made to a PAC affiliated with Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, whom you might remember from the Republican convention, where she gave a rousing speech endorsing Trump. Does this story “raise questions”? Does it ever.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 08:15 am
Oh bullshit he doesn't Supply anything of his own he goes to the internet he copies and pastes and then he regurgitates it here
0 Replies
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 10:20 am
Quote giujohn:
The FBI has determined that on January 5th 2013 a Clinton family server was hacked 3 times by someone using the tor program... and if they had access to One account they had access to all. Anyone who believes that one or more foreign governments do not have every single solitary email on the Clinton servers is an idiot or is paddling down that famous river in Egypt.

Liar. There is no evidence that Clinton was actually hacked. The FBI report said, (and this information was also released weeks ago as well), the following:
Quote FBI report:
Open source information indicated, if opened, the targeted user's device may have been infected, and information would have been sent to at least three computers overseas, including one in Russia.

In other words, her Email account got the same pornographic Emails that a huge percentage of people get in their Emails all the time. It's an Email that, when opened, gives you a link to click for porn pics. If you don't click that link, you are not hacked and nobody has access to your computer.

There's no record whatsoever of anybody clicking that porn link, therefore there is no record of Hillary's Email account being hacked. So you are lying when you say you know she was hacked-neither you nor your crummy right wing sources can know that.
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 10:42 am

According to Politico:

Someone accessed an email account hosted on the Clinton family server with the privacy tool Tor.

Someone using Tor breached email account on Clinton server
By ERIC GELLER 09/02/16 03:06 PM EDT

An unknown individual using the encrypted privacy tool Tor to hide their tracks accessed an email account on a Clinton family server, the FBI revealed today.

The incident appears to be the first confirmed intrusion into a piece of hardware associated with Hillary Clinton’s private email system, which originated with a server established for her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The FBI disclosed the event in its newly released report on the former secretary of state’s handling of classified information.

According to the bureau’s review of server logs, someone accessed the email account of a staffer for former President Clinton on Jan. 5, 2013, using three IP addresses known to serve as Tor “exit nodes” — jumping-off points from the anonymity network to the public internet.

The owner of the account, whose name is redacted in the report, said she was “not familiar with tor [had] she ever used Tor software.”

Clinton left the State Department less than a month after the intrusion.

The new report also revealed that one of Clinton’s IT aides enabled Remote Desktop Protocol on the server, despite known vulnerabilities in the protocol. FBI investigators also could not determine if the widely recommended security protocol TLS was ever enabled.

The FBI in July declined to recommend charges in connection with Clinton’s email practices, though Director James Comey called her and her aides’ conduct “extremely careless.”

From the Hill:

September 02, 2016 - 03:22 PM EDT
FBI report: Bill Clinton aide's email account on private server hacked

Though there is still no evidence that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was hacked or that any of her accounts were hacked, it does appear that one of Bill Clinton’s staffers' email accounts on the Clinton family server may have been hacked.

The newly released FBI report notes “scanning attempts over the course of the course of [Bryan] Pagliano’s administration of the server, though only one appears to have resulted in a successful compromise of an e-mail account on the server.”

It is extremely common for all servers connected to the internet to be scanned for vulnerabilities and does not imply any foreign actor or foreign knowledge of the server.

The FBI report notes that, on January 5, 2013, server logs show a computer or computers using the Tor network accessing the staffer’s account. The staffer, whose name is redacted but is referred to as “her,” claims not to have been familiar with the tor network.

Tor routes internet traffic through a series of internet addresses to make internet traffic anonymous. Since the internet addresses that connect to the actual website – or in this case email server – are known, it's easy to tell if Tor traffic reaches a server even if it is hard to know who was behind it. On January 5, 2013, three addresses matching Tor internet addresses accessed the server.

The identity of the person or persons who accessed the staffer’s email is not known.

For the server and not just a single account to be hacked, an attacker needs to have the ability to monitor more than a single account. That would mean administrator or administrator-like access, or broader, system-wide monitoring

If they've got into one account they've gotten into all of them... Who's the liar now?
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 4 Sep, 2016 12:14 pm
Blickers wrote:

Trump has publicly proclaimed that if elected he is going to implement Vladimir Putin's foreign policy for America and withdraw from NATO.

You keep making this argument.

Who knew you were such a dedicated Cold Warrior?

Why do I have the feeling that if Trump had proclaimed Russia was the greatest threat to US security and had to be confronted, you would a) Mock him as you mocked Romney for saying the same thing and regurgitate the Obama rhetoric about how Russia is a basket-case nation barely kept from economic ruin because of over exploited energy resources or b) Warning us that Trump is an aggressive lunatic who is going to start a war with Russia?

Do you have a cite for the Trump proclamation to which you refer?

I know he has questioned whether the US should continue to be a part of NATO and denounced the fact that we have done virtually nothing about the European freeloaders who won't even live up to their modest defense spending pledges, but announced that if President, he will withdraw the US from NATO? I missed that one.

It's interesting, as well, that you seem to subscribe to a sort of Eastern European Domino Theory. This could be entirely unfair, but, again, why do I have a strong feeling that you, more than once, discredited the Domino Theory that led to our entanglement in Southeast Asia (Remember, that theory was based on Russian Bad Guys too)?

So, if the US withdraws from NATO, how long will it be before the Russian Military Machine rolls over Eastern Europe and into the Western region? Presumably, nations like Poland and the Czech Republic will fold like tents and the rest of Europe will sit on their hands? (Not to mention that the Chinese will sit back idly and watch their position as the #2 power in the world be usurped)

If that's the case, and I don't for a minute believe it is, why should American men and women lose their lives to preserve liberty for Europeans, when the Europeans are, themselves,unwilling to fight for it? Why should the US bear the cost in lives and treasure to preserve the current Eastern European standard of living for people who would rather return to the days of long lines and shortages than engage in armed conflict with the Russia Bear?

You are, essentially, making the argument that the US is NATO and that without the US as a member, NATO and the ability and will of Europeans to resist a Russian invasion will disappear.

Does it seem right to you that the value of NATO should so entirely hinge upon the membership of the US? That the nations directly benefiting from the security provided by NATO should be minor players (responsible for roughly only 25% of the cost) in the maintenance of the alliance and it's capacity to resist the enemies of Europe?

It's not as if these nations are a collection of pauper-states, new to Democracy but legitimately incapable of contributing to their own defense. (Such nations seldom, if ever, are seen as worth allies). The collective European economy is a giant, and many of the citizens of NATO countries live fairly comfortable lives thanks to the generous social programs you and your fellow progressives would love to see replicated in America, because their governments aren't forced to spend the sort of money on defense that would be necessary if the US wasn't footing the bill.

Obviously the US benefits from a free Europe and by protecting Europe we protect our own interests, but you sound like a neo-con, insisting that the US must, in it's role as the #1 Good Guy in the battle against the Bad Guys, protect the liberties and economic prosperity of Europeans.

I'm not an isolationist and I think leaving NATO would be a big mistake, but I don't think Trump has ever declared that as President he would order such a move. (I'm not even sure the President has the power to unilaterally dissolve a signed treaty).

On this issue though, I think Trump is close to being right, although, as usual, his rhetoric about it has been ham-fisted. European nations that are entirely capable of not only paying their agreed to share of the cost of being a NATO member, but of paying a greater and more fair share (based on who are the primary beneficiaries) shouldn't continue to assume that the US needs NATO more than they do, and should be coerced, as necessary, into ponying up, since polite requests are consistently ignored.

As of this time last year, only 5 of the 28 members were meeting their defense spending goals: the US, the UK, Poland, Estonia and, surprisingly, Greece. Six nations had plans to increase their spending and six planned on decreasing it: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria and Albania

Now, Bulgaria and Albania may not have rebounded from the centrally controlled economies of the Soviet days as well as some of their neighbors and may be close to being "pauper nations," but the other four countries have no such excuse.

Regardless it's a matter of priorities and cause & effect: National security should be every nation's #1 priority because without it there is nothing else, but, clearly, there have been no meaningful consequences for failure to meet spending commitments, and nations like France, Germany, Belgium and Italy have taken advantage of this fact, all the while not making corresponding cuts in their domestic spending.

It's fine for a nation to prize plowshares over swords and if they want to gamble their future freedom of greater comforts now, that's their business. I would even go so far to say that from a realpolitik basis, they are the "smart" ones. Why should they pay more when they know Uncle Sam will be there (yet again) to pull their assess out of the fire if need be?

Is honor an outdated value? Clearly, in this arena, the Brits have always displayed it. Not only have they exceeded the required spending, they are always among the first NATO members to join the fray when called upon and always in a way that goes far beyond the sort of symbolic contributions of sending 15 soldiers to guard medical facilities hundreds of miles from the front lines. This hasn't been well received by all Brits, but it should be by all Americans.

Generally speaking, the members for who the memory of an absence of freedom is most fresh are the most committed. This isn't surprising, but the fear and threat of Soviet nukes isn't all that old and WWII is less than 100 years old. There are still people alive in Europe who experienced it.

In order for this imbalance to change and the freeloaders brought to heel, there has to be some change in the US position. Frankly, if the prospect of a Trump presidency has made European leaders sit up and take notice of the possibility that they could be left holding their entire defense bag, Trump's done a good thing.

Successful deals often involve some degree of brinkmanship, but the other guy has to believe you mean business when you say you will walk away. If he or she knows you'll never walk-away, you've lost all leverage, except the insignificant bits and pieces that come from providing fringe benefits like who gets to sit where at NATO meetings.

If Trump becomes president and, as he has repeatedly promised, begins to rework US deals (such as NATO) he can't be seen as or revealed to be little more than a bluffer. Presumably he's a shark in the waters of deal-making but so too are the people with whom he will be dealing. Whenever you want something more than the other guy does you are at a disadvantage. There's nothing, at all, wrong with helping the Europeans to think that with Trump in the White House, perhaps the US will no longer care more about NATO than they do.

We've been dealing with Europe on this issue like the ineffective parents of a selfish child who has Mom & Dad's number. All the threats, pleading and cajoling are a complete waste of time if the kids knows the parents are all bluff and will never make good on the consequences they promise.

And finally...words are different than deeds, particularly when the words are distorted to make a favored point.

Sun 4 Sep, 2016 11:03 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Blinkers has been trained to need a bogey-man in the mix, to justify actions.

It's how the system has been operating for almost two generations.

It's a recognised tool of societal manipulation, but these people here think they're operating unilaterally.

Quite the social experiment, despite the obvious risks involved in reality.


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