This is a great example of the base, bare knuckle nature of power politics.
Ironically, many of the so-called journalists who were outraged by the comments the Clintons made during the primary contest with Obama, are now fully in her corner and have forgotten what they were outraged about.
What they were outraged about was a lot of nonsense, but evidence that the Left will pull out the racist card every single time...even if it's to be used against one of their own.
The attacks against the Clintons were completely unfair. Hillary's comment about LBJ was not racist. Was she supposed to wait until there was a black president before claiming that a Democrat president (albeit a white one) arguably did more for black Americans than any president since Lincoln? Obama hardly has the same record as LBJ.
And the cup of coffee comment? Give me a break. It was just another example of the Left claiming racism over any and all criticisms of Obama.
Don't get me wrong, it didn't outrage me, because is was great fun to see the Left eat their own and with the same fangs they use on conservatives, but it was groundless and unfair.
Bill and Hillary may be cynically indifferent racists in the sense that they believe blacks are incapable of succeeding in America without government handouts and they surely are very happy with the reliability of black vote for Democrats, and therefore will do whatever they think is necessary to keep the bloc intact, but the sort of charges being made against them back then were pretty ridiculous.
If the Clinton campaign is going to charge Trump with racism, it should expect a return volley and using Democratic charges that she and Bill were guilty of racist tactics against Obama, is pretty clever. Live by the sword; die by the sword.
The president of the United States is the most powerful position in the world (barring the existence of some Grand Poobah of a string-pulling Illuminati) and people will do anything to get a hold of it...anything.
When we all realize this and stop falling for crap about how
any candidate is a noble crusader for the people and the American Way, we will all be better off.