Quote Baldimo:
Quote:Charles Rangels Draft bill...
Woiyo said that Hillary only voted for campaign reform when she knew the bill was going to fail-since Woiyo is claiming that Hillary is really opposed to campaign reform, he said she would never vote for a bill that had a chance to pass. You chimed in in support of Woiyo's position, saying that the deceptive Democrats do that all the time, vote for something only because they know it can't pass. You brought up the example of Charles Rangel introducing a draft bill that he eventually voted against-which, by the way, is NOT an example of someone voting FOR a bill only because they know it won't pass. But that's not the major point.
Cyclptichorn chimed in and pointed out that when Hillary was US Senator from New York, only one campaign reform bill was up for a vote, the McCain-Feingold bill, and it passed. And Hillary voted FOR it. Which blows away Woiyo's false contention that Hillary would never vote for a campaign reform bill that had a chance to pass. And since you brought up Rangel's voting against a draft bill he himself introduced as yet ANOTHER example of the sneaky, deceptive Democrats voting for a bill that they knew would not pass just to say they supported it, you didn't prove you were right. To be correct in saying that Rangel's vote is ANOTHER example of the Democrats doing something sneaky, the first action that Hillary did had to sneaky too. But Hillary's vote was NOT sneaky-she voted for a campaign reform bill and it passed-it was the only campaign reform bill up for a vote during her time in the Senate. Therefore what Rangel did was not ANOTHER example of a deceptive practice, (if indeed what Rangel was even deceptive, I'm just taking your word for what happened), so you didn't prove squat.
I could dwell further on the fact that Rangel's voting AGAINST his own bill is hardly an example of someone voting for a bill that they know is not going to pass, but football season is here and that would constitute "piling on".