This is not a trial, and you are not a judge. I have answered your questioins far better than you have even begun to address mine. In the case at hand the answer to your question was quite obvious and clearly stated by me in my response. You have conveniuently ignored it, but that evasion is for you to explain, not me.
That the United States has long "lagged behind" Canada and the EU states, which you hold up as models for us, and which the current administration and the progressives you so admire are trying to move us toward, is amply confirmed both bu observable facts and your own endless narritives here. I'm disappointed to see you indulging in such self-serving deception in this area..
I was very clear about the scleroisis I believe attends the progressive social democratic government programs you so admire, and provided a very compact, but illustrative biological metaphor describe the process. The proposition that our significantly higher economic performance than that that of your model countries is in majot part associated with our relatively leaner government programs in those areas is easily demonstrated by many facts. It is also evident that, over the past two decades we have moved closer to the European model, and have seen some of the associated accumulating econoimic sclerosis that attends it in Europe. I would like to reverse that.
I never claimed the United States is or ever was a model libertarian government, and in fact don't wish us to become one in the stricct sense to which you refer. I would instead like to see us move farther away from the sappy political and social ideas of the contemporary progressive religion, and note there is a lot of space between where we are and the usual libertarian models. As I rather clearly indicated, I believe that doing that would contribute materially to the vigor and econonomic health of our society - while enabling better solutions with fewer adverse side effects than thise promised by our self-appointed "progressive" savants. who claim (without evidence) to know what's really good for the rest of us. I attribute our relative superiority in these areas when compared to the other countries I listed precisely to what you regard as our regrettable deficiencies in those "progressive" programs which you endlessly recount in these threads.
Unlike you I don't spend much time reading or theorizing about models of anything in this area. I'm very conversant with history, political, economic and military, but don't put much store in the abstract models so loved by pseudo Platonists. (Even Plato couldn't offer a solution to the problem of finding his philosopher kings in the flesh or protecting them from the untoward impulses of human nature once they achieved power.)
Have you ever been to Hong Kong? Shanghai? They're both very nice places and a (fairly) good case can be made for their coming eclipse of Europe.