What was the USSC t "thinking " when they voted to denut sec 4 and 5 of the Voter Rights Act of 1965. I really think they honestly felt that, in this "post civil rights era" these two sections were no longer needed. Sec 5 is the place where any changes in a states voter laws no longer needed Fed preapproval.
Alabama, Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin (ll with GOP majorities in the legislatures or the governors office) quickly passed much more restrictive voter laws.
Can you say naiive?
NOW GEORGE OB, if you really think that the USSC decision (under HOLDER v) was a good one that served the rights of all citizens, then I wanna have some of what your smoking.
I especially am drawn to the Alabama law ehich, via redistricting ala GOP, had clustered black districts so theyd never ever have a majority of US Huse selections (unless they vote GOP).
Your argument about Dem redistricting ala Congressman Gerry falls on deaf ears since youre talking about THEN, Im talking about NOW.