revelette2 wrote:On the pain of the mother of Sean Smith, you are not.
Wow. So it is OK for Hillary to lie to the mother of the fallen diplomat, and then publicly falsely accuse the mother of lying. But it is an outrage if Trump wonders if the mother of the dead soldier was forcibly silenced (as happens in quite a few Muslim families)?
The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Although it
is typical of the lengths that liberals will go to in order to excuse any amount of wrongdoing by other liberals.
revelette2 wrote:and duty required responding to Donald Trump ridiculous comment about banning any Muslims. He asked if Donald Trump had read the constitution for a very good reason. Donald Trump as a man seeking to be the US president should know you can 't discriminate on the basis of religion.
There is nothing unconstitutional about a temporary emergency halt to immigration from countries that produce Islamic terrorists until the government can get a handle on things.
The loudmouth Muslim had no reason for his embittered ranting. He is just a kooky wacko. He should do his ranting on a street corner.
revelette2 wrote:Benghazi on the other hand has been investigated to death and exploited to death and at the end of the day it finally came down to Hillary and the Obama administration doing all they could to respond the terrible crises which caused the death of those who died on the Benghazi compound.
Does that make it OK for Hillary to lie to the mother, and then to publicly falsely accuse the mother of lying?
I know liberals like Hillary will endlessly lie and slander in order to cover their wrongdoing. Hillary just dropped a fresh pack of lies about her emails (got Four Pinocchios from the Washington Post for it). But really, is there no decency to liberalism at all?
revelette2 wrote:If the Benghazi hearings were more about what went wrong and how we can improve our mode operations so future tragedies do not happen, then those investigations would have had some point and some good to them. But from the very moment the tragedy began to unfold, the right wing nuts were on a mission to find fault simply because they disagree with the Obama's administration way of so called "leading from behind."
Wrong. The Republicans were trying to find improvements to avoid future tragedies. Your characterization of them as nuts just shows how wrong liberalism is. The hearings were politicized by the Democrats, who once again put "covering up Hillary's wrongdoing" over "the good of the people who serve America".
revelette2 wrote:And the mother of the fallen diplomat was more of the same.
Your justification of Hillary's abuse of the mother is infinitely more appalling than anything that Mr. Trump said about that kooky Muslim family.