snood wrote:And the Liberals are the ones who are desperate?
Their demented ideology is finally headed to the dustbin of history. Mr. Trump will be a two term president, and an extremely successful one at that. The next three presidents after him will also be Republicans, who will continue his legacy.
Even after 20 years of Republican domination, the only way the Democrats will be able to retake power will be by rejecting liberalism and nominating a "Trump-lite" (sort of like how Bill Clinton and Barack Obama only won by becoming Reagan-lite).
I do expect liberalism to temporarily take root on the Democratic party for a couple decades. But that is because when a party faces an extended period out of power they adopt goofy policies. Liberalism will be driven from the Democratic Party before they ever return to power (or else they won't return to power).
snood wrote:It will suck to be you November 8th.
It is very unlikely that I am wrong. But if I am wrong, it will be OK. The NRA is strong. If Hillary wants to follow Mr. Obama's example and wreck her presidency by futilely expending all of her political capital in attacks against the NRA, the NRA is more than able to handle that.