I wasn't clear. Sorry. Weyrich clearly understood that reduced voter rolls benefited conservative elections (he says this explicitly). Pa House Leader Mike Turzai (Farmerman's reference) was equally explicit in his party's strategy to reduce voters to help Romney win the state
http://bit.ly/2aj3op3 I have no doubt that John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky and many other senior strategists and politicos and media elements (along with the wonderful people at ALEC who compose and push legislation into the red states) are completely aware that there is no significant voter fraud but significant electoral gains to be had if they can peel off Dem voters through suppression tactics. That's one class of actors here.
The other class of actors are Republican voters. These are the people who I meant to indicate are believers in voter fraud because of the propaganda efforts from the folks in the first class.
Obviously, that's too clear-cut but it is the rough outline of how this works.
There's another factor here too, I think. And that's racism. Where individuals engaged knowingly in this strategy or those more thoughtful Republican voters who find the story not quite sound, are more willing than they normally might be to overlook contradictions because the target demographic is mainly black Americans.
And a final element. What to make of Scalia, Alito, Thomas and the chief justice, not to mention judges lower down? They aren't stupid guys and they aren't propagandists like Fund or van Spakovsky. So far as I can discern this group, I think it is ideological and partisan favor. I think they, or many of them, do not view democracy as a viable system. I do think they reflect the sort of thinking voiced by Weyrich - that conservative ideas are superior and that conservative goals, achieved, will produce a better country (as they view "better"). All are associated with the Federalist Society which has as explicit goal, the forwarding of conservative ideas in the area of jurisprudence through training lawyers in conservative theory and placing them into the court system as broadly as possible (just read the FS mission statement).
Does that help?