It's held "universally" because it's true. Comey's 12 minute statement laid out a stunning and total disputation of all of her lies about her e-mail.
Assuming he could prove what he stated, she broke the law.
The statute doesn't require intent, gross negligence (aka extreme carelessness) is enough.
I think he decided that he presided over a significant moment in history and allowed that to influence his decision. It should have of course because that's not in his job description. More than one very successful federal prosecutor said they would have been happy to take the case, so the nonsense about no prosecutor being will to pursue a criminal charge was just that.
It certainly possible that a jury might have refused to convict her absence evididence of intent, but that was by no means a sure thing. If they did, however, Comey didn't want to be the guy who killed her presidential chances and deprive almost half of the nation the candidate of their choice...all for naught.
Kagan hates Trump. He would vote for Fidel Castro.