blatham wrote:
Quick napkin calculation of the number of responses to Lash over the last decade which have produced no change in her thinking or in her personal posting style.
67, 823
But I'm sure one or two more attempts will bear fruit.
This got me thinking about the usual responses of the posters in this anti Lash dialogue over the last few pages to comments about their views on these and related matters. I can find no instances of altered views, perception, or writing style - no change at all. Lash appears to me to be no more fixed in her positions than are her chief critics here, including Blatham, Snood, Blickers and many others (and myself as well).
It is clear that her apostasy from the Church of Hillary has earned Lash general approbation from the crowd of believers, and her stubborn resistance to ceaseless criticism has infuriated her accusers more than is usual even on these political threads. Why is that so??
I don't agree with Sen. Sanders political views at all. However, I recognize that he has demonstrated truly unexpected, and continuing appeal among a wide swath of Democrat voters. That counts for something, and it merits serious consideration.This phenomenon may also have some elements in common with the disaffection of Republican voters for their establishment candidates, and the ascent of Donald Trump. A suprisingly large segment of voters appear to be disaffected from their traditional leaders. Moreover there is suggestive evidence in the differences between poll results and actual election results in several states indicating that many are expressing views in elections they don't in other venues : more surprises might be ahead for us all.
Stridency is the norm in politics, but I do regret the prevailing intolerance we see around us today and here on this thread. One doesn't have to agree with or approve of the views and even behaviors of others, but it isn't necessary to attack their characters or motives because of that disagreement. Indeed if you stop and think about it for a moment, it's a bit wierd. Lash hasn't injured anyone here, and she is far from alone in her expressed political beliefs.