Lash wrote:
You're such an odd person.
I'm not stepping away from anything I said. I'm just pointing out that MANY people see the clintons as I do. They are crooks and thieves and have amassed billions selling off democracy and people's lives in this country. I have no respect for numbnuts who hand them the keys for a second fleecing of America.
Why don't you try to address issues instead of concocting your weird personal narratives?
How do people become millionaires and billionaires in 'public service'?
Why did Hillary Clinton refuse to follow FOIA /Obama transparency in government rules and use official devices for official communication?
Why won't she release her speeches to Wall Street??!
Why did she use white noise machines when reporters were trying to hear her speech to a Wall Street group?
Why does she continue to support fracking -when we know this is creating dirty, unsafe groundwater?
I am simply stating the obvious about you. It doesn't take any special perceptiveness and it doesn't require anyone being overly focused on Lash to see that your criticism of Hillary and the people who support her has often crossed lines of decency and common sense over the last several months. You mocked people about their age and their personal lives. You mocked me for being a recovering alcoholic. The fact that you found it necessary to do that in a political forum is what's "weird and personal", not that I point it out.
You will never admit it, because in addition to being someone who has no boundaries in how you defend extreme views, you are not honest. So be it.
Because you can't ever own doing those things (even when confronted with your own words) you will never get the benefit of a doubt that you might possibly, under other circumstances be a nice person with useful ideas.
You will never be regarded as anything more than a someone who can't defend her opinions without wallowing in the gutter.
The questions you ask about Hillary might be useful if you were motivated to
join people like your idol Bernie in moving her and the party in a more progressive direction. But your motives as far as anyone can discern are to throw stones, smear **** and pat yourself on the back for being one of the few truly enlightened.
I care very deeply about what happens to this country now. Hillary will be the next president. If you think the best way for you to acknowledge that reality is to continue to bitch and whine about the past, then you are insane and useless in a political discussion.