Quote snood:
Quote:Surprisingly to me, I actually agree with you about Blickers reposting the same stats over and over. In fact, it's almost as incessant and tired and irrelevant a joke as your endless smears of Clinton (and now Obama).
Well, sorry about that, but for several weeks Lash had been posting articles based on a book by Michelle Alexander that said that Bill Clinton's administration had been bad for black America. Which is crap.
Lash posts quotes from articles about Michelle Alexander about how many black people got incarcerated during Clinton's term, but leaves out the fact that murder of all victims, as well as black victims, was going through the roof before Bill Clinton took office and started declining rapidly after he became President. Clinton took office when the New York papers, for instance, were showing almost weekly pics of doors in the low income projects full of bullet holes where drug gangs had eliminated somebody they didn't like by taking military style weapons and simply shooting rapidly and repeatedly through the front door of their apartment. This process killed everyone in the living room on the other side of that door, including young mothers and toddlers. When you have a situation like that, first thing you have to do is get the people with guns off the streets. The next thing you do, if possible, is increase employment so that people have something to do besides join drug gangs. This is what happened-stricter penalties and increased employment, (black Full Time employment increased even more than all-race Full Time employment, which itself was considerable), and both the all-race murder rate and the black murder rate came down immensely.
Although you would never know this reading Michelle Alexander, the articles written based on Michelle Alexander, or Lash's ceaseless quoting of articles written about Michelle Alexander. If Lash insists on blanketing the forum with quotes from Michelle Alexander's one sided research-and Lash does-than Lash can grin and bear it when I quote the statistics showing how her statistics leave out some things which change the picture quite a bit. Like people living instead of dying, for instance.
I believe the real reason Lash resents my posting of these official stats is simply the fact that Lash is incapable of looking up and posting official stats about anything at all. The way the game is played in Lash's world is that you internet search for an article that supports your position, and then you quote and link it. The crappier and less reliable the source, the better-just as long as there's internet content supporting your position, the goal has been achieved. By posting official statistics refuting Lash's article's conclusions, Lash emotionally feels I'm going way outside the rules and playing dirty pool. Lash believes no statistical research allowed, you are permitted to internet search for articles with other people quoting statistics only.
What's alarming is that Lash says she is a teacher. I thought teachers were supposed to emphasize independent thought and information gathering.