Quote georgeob1:
Quote:Nonsense. What exacrly does the deceptive, weasel worded expression , "in anything like their present form" really mean. Both Social Security and Medicare need reform to adapt them to the current demographics and life expectancys....
The weasel has become the GOP mascot. By "anything like their present form" I mean that workers pay into the Social Security and Medicare funds while working, and when they retire they have a Social Security check, regardless of their other arrangements, that will usually at least approach a modest income. Sort of like what happens now.
And they will have their medical bills paid at something like 80%, sort of like what happens now.
That will require some change of financing, raising the limit on where Social Security is no longer deducted, etc. Other things are on the table. Also remaining to be seen is how the economy will be doing and the rate of economic growth, etc. With our ever advancing technology and the emergence of new industries that are likely to increase GDP quite a bit, (robots, for example), it's quite possible that things do not have to change too much-an increased GDP alone can take care of much of it.
One thing is for sure-turning Social Security and Medicare-two excellent programs which have raised the standard of living for Americans for decades-into "means-tested" welfare programs is NOT, in any shape, size or form, taking steps to preserve Social Security and Medicare. It will be the elimination of those programs. And that is what the conservatives want, since conservatives are philosophically opposed to both programs. They would admit it if they were honest.