Quote Baldimo:
Quote:This is another great lie told to old people to get their votes. A majority of the changes that would be made [to Social Security and Medicare] wouldn't effect the current batch of people who collect on those programs. Every bill put forth said no changes to current payouts and only a change for people such as me who are still at least 15 20 years out from collecting.
The Dems want old people to be single issue voters, if they raise any other issues, the Dems start talking about the GOP wanting to take away their retirement.
Oh sure, that's what conservatives say NOW. "The conversion of SS and Medicare to "means-tested" welfare systems is not gonna hurt you retired folks or those about to retire-this will only affect the YOUNGER people". Classic divide-and-conquer tactics. First unfairly take away the future retirement funds of the people who have been working for 20 years or more already. Then wait a few years for the resentment to build that the people now working are supporting benefits for those older, but the working age people themselves will never get those benefits when they themselves get old. Then conservatives can lead the charge for the system to be reformed yet AGAIN so that anyone of any age who gets SS and Medicare is "means-tested". Because, you know, it's "only fair". Nice try.
Republicans are reprehensible when it comes to Social Security and Medicare, and they will lie about it never affecting people now at or near retirement age just like they have been lying since the 1990s about how Social Security was doomed already and that people working then will never collect it. Fact is, the conservatives are philosophically opposed to Social Security and Medicare but dare not say so openly with all the votes they get from the elderly population. So they put out this Deal With The Devil for the old folks to foolishly sign onto and vote for them, then the old folks get screwed up the rear. By people they voted for.
Anyone at or near retirement age, unless they are immensely well set up financially for retirement, is crazy if they vote Republican.