I think the basic issue here is one of individual freedom vs government run social & economic systems - and where to draw the line. Progressives tend to look more toward government managed solutions to such issues, and conservatives more towards individual choice. Some such systems are always necessary, but my preference leans toward freedom and individual choice in doubtful or arguable cases. Some progressives appear to want a government run solution to almost all problems.
My reasons arise from my view of the complexity of human nature and the ability of people over time to corrupt even the best designed administrative systems in pursuit of their perceived self-interest. This is the usual cause of the generally unanticipated side effects which corrupt their intended purpose and require endless adjustments and Bandaids and perpetual bureaucratic growth.
Note that I have not termed anyone as either dishonest or greedy here. Instead I have stated my belief and the reasons for it. I agree there is far too little tolerance afoot in contemporary discorse and politics. Tolerance is a very good word and concept. We see far too little of it. It means you don't have to approve of or like the views, habits, actions of others, but you do leave them alone and let them do as they wish. Live and let live.