There was plenty of coverage in the past year of Mr. Comey's intent to take down Mrs. Clinton.
He couldn't find anything he could do legally so did what he could by way of his announcement. I don't think anyone was particularly surprised that he did what he could (carefully smear Mrs. Clinton without losing his job).
It will be interesting to see if anyone cares once the election campaigning and swiftboating reaches the general public.
semi-sidenote: just looked at FB photos from the large, extended Mexican / American family from Kentucky I an friends with. They just went to Iowa for the Quincenara of one of the family's daughters. I had no idea there was a large and growing Latino population in Iowa. I'm curious about the effect of that on the voting dynamics of that odd little state. The Kentucky side of the family is very anti-Trump because of his casual racism.
Hopefully, the Democrats remember their focus has to be on developing relevant candidates downballot so they will have a good candidate to replace Mrs. Clinton in a few years.