When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Sat 30 Apr, 2016 10:30 am
It is those lesser of evil promoting embarrassments that got the ACA passed. It is those lesser of evil promoting embarrassments that got an expansion of Medicare passed. It is those lesser of evil promoting embarrassments that prevented Bush from privatizing Social Security. Every progressive legislation came about because of the lesser of evil promoting embarrassments being willing to support it.

What have those johnny-come-latelies actually accomplished from a legislative standpoint without resorting to a lesser of evil compromise?
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 10:37 am
good links within that - you can get back to the decisiondesk exit polls if you keep clicking through to twitter (and then their account)

from wapo

Bradley won the election, a surprise to Democrats. This morning, some progressives picked a culprit: voters who cast ballots for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and left the rest of their ballots blank. According to exit polling conducted by the independent group DecisionDesk and BenchMark Politics, perhaps 15 percent of Sanders voters skipped the Bradley-Kloppenburg race; just 4 percent of Hillary Clinton voters did the same.

"There was an enormous drop-off," said Brandon Finnigin of DecisionDesk. "There was a substantial number of voters in that voted for Sanders, then for nothing else."

if you're a twitter person, I'd recommend following benchmark politics
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 10:43 am
Lash wrote:

You Hillary people aren't really progressives. We need to find an accurate moniker for you.

No you don't. History is replete with groups finding derogatory names for those they don't agree with. You don't need to add another.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:07 am
ehBeth wrote:

interesting link

if you follow it through to http://www.wisconsinvote.org/election-results and select dem primary you can see that the dem voters didn't all vote for Kloppenburg. maybe someone has a breakdown on whose supporters didn't vote down the line

I don't know what you have up there in Canuckistan, but we have something called the "secret ballot" in the United States. That sort of information, therefore, is unavailable.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:21 am
you'll have to talk to your exit poll folks about how they get their information
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:24 am
parados wrote:

Exit polling shows 15% of Sanders voters didn't vote for Kopplinger, the Dem supported candidate for judge with many of those simply not voting at all. (There were 130,403 ballots cast with no vote for the judicial race)

I'm not going to track down the original story at this point but this is one of many that references the polling data

That is what is known in statistics as "bullshit." But then you might have considered the source.

If all Clinton voters voted for Kloppenburg and only 85% of Sanders voters voted for her, then that would mean Kloppenburg got around 10,000 votes from people who voted for Republican presidential candidates. That's certainly not impossible - Wisconsin has a reputation for straddling political lines. But is that likely? In other words, isn't it more likely that more than 85% of Sanders voters voted for Kloppenburg and that a certain percentage of Clinton voters didn't? Furthermore, your story claims (without attribution) that Kloppenburg was favored to win in pre-election polling. That's not true.

A poll ending March 28, eight days before the general election, showed Bradley with a five-point lead over Kloppenburg.[30] According to the poll, Bradley stood at 41 percent support compared to Kloppenburg's 36, with 18 percent undecided.

And, in fact, that poll was pretty accurate: Kloppenburg lost the election by around five percentage points.

So, to recap: you have no evidence that Sanders voters voted in lesser numbers for Kloppenburg than Clinton voters did.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:47 am
parados wrote:
It is those lesser of evil promoting embarrassments that prevented Bush from privatizing Social Security.

Bush didn't try to privatize Social Security. He proposed a bipartisan effort to save it from eventual bankruptcy.

The Democrats refused because they preferred to see Social Security go bankrupt over allowing a Republican to be able to say he helped save it.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 11:48 am
maxdancona wrote:
Her stated policy on the Israel/Palestine conflict is troubling to me.

Why would it be troubling that Hillary insists on treating Israel fairly?

EVERYONE should insist on treating Israel fairly.

maxdancona wrote:
Her position is in line with the Democratic establishment and not that different from the Republican line... but it is far to the right of many rank and file Democrats

Those rank and file Democrats are likely to be anti-Semites, and if they are they should be purged from the party.

maxdancona wrote:
and far to the right of most of the rest of the world.

I'm fine with putting foreign anti-Semites on the DroneStrike target list. Let's cook some flesh!
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 12:53 pm
You would have a great point if Hillary didn't espouse Republican policies.

But, ...she's a DINO.

Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:02 pm
Well, first of all, yes I will if I choose.

But, second of all, I'm not looking for a derogatory word, just an accurate one.

You guys as a group, do appear to be horrified of names.

You became afraid of liberal. I always wondered if you embraced the meaning of the word, why you complained about it so bitterly.

Progressive was actually born from liberals' fear of being called liberal.

Now, Hillary is being categorized as a neoliberal. Democrats here threw the biggest mass hissy fit over that word at the same moment they asked what it meant.

Another interesting characteristic of this odd group.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:18 pm
Educate yourself about who did what.

As Bernie has proven with his life, you can hold fast to your ideals and get things done.

As Hillary has aptly proven with her life, you can **** most of the people most of the time, and they will clamor for more ****.

Please decide to stop the ****.
Beautiful, factual excerpt:

Sanders did something particularly original, which was that he passed amendments that were exclusively progressive, advancing goals such as reducing poverty and helping the environment, and he was able to get bipartisan coalitions of Republicans who wanted to shrink government or hold it accountable and progressives who wanted to use it to empower Americans.

Here are a few examples of the amendments Sanders passed by building unusual but effective coalitions:

Corporate Crime Accountability (February 1995): A Sanders amendment to the Victims Justice Act of 1995 required “offenders who are convicted of fraud and other white-collar crimes to give notice to victims and other persons in cases where there are multiple victims eligible to receive restitution.”

Saving Money, for Colleges and Taxpayers (April 1998): In an amendment to H.R. 6, the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Sanders made a change to the law that allowed the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education to make competitive grants available to colleges and universities that cooperated to reduce costs through joint purchases of goods and services.

Holding IRS Accountable, Protecting Pensions (July 2002): Sanders' amendment to the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2003 stopped the IRS from being able to use funds that “violate current pension age discrimination laws.” Although he faced stiff GOP opposition, his amendment still succeeded along a 308 to 121 vote.

Expanding Free Health Care (November 2001): You wouldn't think Republicans would agree to an expansion of funds for community health centers, which provide some free services. But Sanders was able to win a $100 million increase in funding with an amendment.

Getting Tough On Child Labor (July 2001): A Sanders amendment to the general appropriations bill prohibited the importation of goods made with child labor.

Increasing Funding for Heating for the Poor (September 2004): Sanders won a $22 million increase for the low-income home energy assistance program and related weatherization assistance program.

Fighting Corporate Welfare and Protecting Against Nuclear Disasters (June 2005): A Sanders amendment brought together a bipartisan coalition that outnumbered a bipartisan coalition on the other side to successfully prohibit the Export-Import Bank from providing loans for nuclear projects in China.

Once Sanders made it to the Senate in 2006, his ability to use amendments to advance a progressive agenda was empowered. Here are some of the amendments he passed in the Senate:

Greening the U.S. Government (June 2007): A Sanders amendment made a change to the law so at least 30 percent of the hot water demand in newer federal buildings is provided through solar water heaters.

Protecting Our Troops (October 2007): Sanders used an amendment to win $10 million for operation and maintenance of the Army National Guard, which had been stretched thin and overextended by the war in Iraq.

Restricting the Bailout to Protect U.S. Workers (Feburary 2009): A Sanders amendment required the banking bailout to utilize stricter H-1B hiring standards to ensure bailout funds weren't used to displace American workers.

Helping Veterans' Kids (July 2009): A Sanders amendment required the Comptroller General to put together comprehensive reporting on financial assistance for child care available to parents in the Armed Forces.

Exposing Corruption in the Military-Industrial Complex (November 2012): A Sanders amendment required “public availability of the database of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors” – an important step toward transparency that revealed the corruption of the revolving door in action.

Support for Treating Autism in Military Health Care: Sanders worked with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to pass an amendment by a vote of 66-29 ensuring that the military's TRICARE system would be able to treat autism.

Using the Power of a Senator

While Sanders was an amendment king who was able to bring bipartisan coalitions together to make serious changes to laws, he also knew how to be a thorn in the side of the establishment until it offered up something in return. Sanders was able to get the first-ever audit of funds given out by the Federal Reserve, which made transparent over $2 trillion of funds handed out by the secretive organization. This was a cause that Republican congressman Ron Paul (TX) had been pursuing for decades, but Sanders was able to get the votes to do it by forging a compromise that required an audit for the bailout period alone.

When the Affordable Care Act was in danger of not having the votes to pass, Sanders used his leverage to win enough funding for free health treatment for 10 million Americans through Community Health Centers. This gutsy move—holding out until the funds were put into the bill—has even Republican members of Congress requesting the funds, which have helped millions of Americans who otherwise would not have access
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:21 pm
Personally I am glad you have given up all pretense of being a progressive liberal.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:44 pm
I wonder why she thinks AlterNet is a reliable source of relevant information? All things considered, lash would have made a terrific prosecutor for the Salem Witch Trials. She is a fervent believer in outrageous beliefs and notion, and nothing is too tenuous to repeat as gospel. Wow
cicerone imposter
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:45 pm
Good post; the information was priceless. Thanks.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:52 pm
I am a progressive liberal, and happily so.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:57 pm
Ewwww. Alternet!
You wouldn't understand, gasbag.

It's a progressive site.
Try CNN. The Hillary Establishment So-Called Democrat Site.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 01:58 pm
Gosh.. maybe you should educate yourself, Lash.

Saving money for college amendment? I notice it didn't provide free college. It was an incremental step in helping reduce the cost of college. Like I said, it isn't done all at once. Real progressives, like Bernie or Hillary or millions of others, do it one small step at a time.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 02:08 pm
I think you're a neoprogressive with tone deaf instinct. That's the ticket.
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 02:14 pm
Quote Lash:
You would have a great point if Hillary didn't espouse Republican policies.

Your whole point all along was for Democrats to not vote for the Democrat the Republicans feared the most-Hillary. All along you have maintained that if Bernie, (whom the Republicans would much prefer to face), does not get the nod, then Democrats should not vote for their candidate if it is Hillary.

Doing this would make the Republicans' chance of winning much better.
But then, that was the whole point your pretending to be a progressive.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Apr, 2016 02:16 pm
Hillary says $15. an hour cannot be done.
Free tuition cannot be done.
Universal healthcare cannot be done.
Big money out of politics cannot be done.
Reversing Glass-Steagall will not be done.
Saying no to fracking will not be done
Saying no to the environmental morass and neoliberal decay via TPP will not be done.
Breaking up the big banks before we pay billions to bail them out again cannot be done.

That's not incrementalism; it's a dictatorship

I want the one who says it can be done and he will do it.

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