When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Tue 28 Jul, 2015 06:20 am
Funny how you view Clinton as corrupt but had no such qualms about voting Bush in for a second term after the illegal war in Iraq solely for the benefit of Halliburton shareholders.

That's corruption and widespread carnage to the max.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 06:26 am
You might not want to post after you have been drinking. At least I hope your post is the result of drinking.

Clinton is far from being one of the most hated people in the country.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:03 am
You might want to start drinking if it'll improve your ability to analyze polls.
But, if Clinton's sinking poll numbers were to be expected as she re-entered the arena, the pace of their drop and the depths to which they have fallen are surprising. Looking at the national numbers, Clinton's favorable numbers have come close to collapsing over the past eight months or so; her unfavorable numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire are, without exaggeration, near Trump-ian levels -- and that's a very bad thing considering they are the first two states that will cast votes in the primaries and two key swing states in the general election.

So, what is going on here? And how much does it matter to Clinton's overall chances of a) being the Democratic nominee and b) being elected president next November?

From a technical perspective, as Bump explained, Clinton's falling numbers are attributable to two things: 1) She has returned to being extremely unpopular among Republicans, and 2) independents have taken an increasingly dim view of her.

As you know, the GOP, Dems, and Indies have roughly a 30% share of the electorate. Dems are split between her and Bernie and the trend is to Bernie. Indies really hate her.

You do the math.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:05 am
Were you my personal qualm police during that era?

Write about what you know.

The problem then is I didn't have a clean candidate. I didn't think we would ever have the option of a clean candidate who was also intelligent. There wasn't one.

I'm incredibly thankful to have one now.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:12 am
Nydia, in answer to your question about how such a hated person can have high polling numbers...

Name recognition. You can't have lived in this country without knowing the name Hillary Clinton.

Conversely, you have to either be a New Englander interested in politics or a wonk to know of the obscure Senator from Vermont.

This is why Hillary started off so high. The fact that she plummets as people find out about Bernie says a LOT about him and her.

Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:18 am
Never a more perfect title for her biography. Smile Fox isn't smart enough to be as dirty as your girl.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:27 am
Thanks for thoughtful response. It just saddens me that this bastion of what I thought was true progressivism isn't working to get the real progressive in the oval office, but I am definitely aware of their priorities now.

I think Hillary is as hawkish as any Republican, and more dangerous because at least Republicans are too stupid to get away with their ****. She's smart and very used to dodging the truth and responsibility for what she does.

Monsanto and TPP are staring everyone in the face - she's running those shows - and people here and in her party don't care. I get over-angry about it when I think of the damage she's doing and how she never has to account for it. There are a lot of people who feel the same way. Makes me personally angry that people cover for her.

I hope Joe Biden gets in.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 07:44 am

I enjoyed reading your comment, but you made a crucial factual error in your remarks about Bernie.

You said, in part:
Sanders, who btw is from Vermont, a state that is 93.8% white and who staunchly represents the white middle class. He said he campaigned for Civil Rights in his youth, but I put that down to dabbing his toe to fill out his experience résumé. He was caught off base by the protesters from "Black Lives Matter." He picked up on it quickly after the meaning was explained to him, but personally I find this area of humanity is not exactly his forté. He is clearly more at ease in his comfort zone, socialism for the white middle class.

I don't know what liar you got this from, but I'm happy to straighten it out. Do you know that Bernie has spent his LIFE analyzing policies that put blacks in the socio-economic shitter and keeps them there. He's been working tirelessly to fight for the programs that put an end to their unfair lifestyles.

He has marched with largely black kids for a couple of years pushing for the $15. minimum. Yeah, he comes from a white state, but he's not working for a white middle class. That's just a lie. Did you know he supported Jesse Jackson's presidential campaign?

I don't think you know much about Bernie.

If you're interested, I'll bring informational articles to the Bernie's In thread.


Black lives matter, as the article states, is just a bothersome slogan to most of the candidates - including Hillary Clinton who refused to say it initially and also refused to attend the Netroots meeting Sanders went to. Black lives matter isn't a slogan for Bernie - it's an inextricable foundational part of who he is.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 08:18 am
If Bernie Sanders does not get on the democratic ticket, I bet you anything, he will end up supporting whoever gets on the ticket including Hillary just to keep those who would slow down or eradicate the progressive agenda. I could be wrong, but, I don't think a true progressive would sit out an election during these times or worse vote for a republican just to keep Hillary from being President when she would promote the progressive agenda's Sanders and others are for, just perhaps not as far as he would.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 08:24 am
You are correct. He already said he'd support the Dem candidate whoever that is.

The biggest problem the D party is going to have isn't meeting the Blacklivesmatter policies: They will have to meet those policies, but I think they're all good for the whole country. The Ds biggest problem is the break away progressive wing. I have had many approach me and say if Bernie's not the nominee, they will vote en masse for the Green candidate as a protest.

If this means a Repub gets in for a term, the new progressives believe - just as BLM believes - the party will adapt to their policies - or continue to lose.

This kiss-your-sister middle of the road BS and the corruption it engenders has pissed off too many people.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 08:32 am
USA Presidential Election: 2016 Odds

Hillary Clinton is the clear favorite to be the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016 while Jeb Bush is atop the odds to become the Republican presidential nominee on the updated election betting lines at online sportsbook Bovada.

Clinton sits atop the Democratic presidential nominee list at -699 odds at Bovada, putting her well ahead of the +700 Bernie Sanders on those betting props. Joe Biden is then at +1400, with Martin O'Malley at +2000, and Elizabeth Warren at +4000.

Bush is the +150 favorite on the odds to be the Republican nominee, with Scott Walker at +300, Marco Rubio at +400, and Donald Trump up to +750. Rand Paul is at +1200 on those lines, with Ben Carson at +1600, Chris Christie at +2000, and Ted Cruz at +2500.

I really don't know to much about betting odds for presidential elections or if this is a good site, but usually you hear people talking about betting odds and I wondered how it was going at the present time knowing it can change. Paradoes probably know more and he probably knows what it was this time back in 2008.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 08:37 am
Well, I think enough has been said, but you know the saying cutting off your nose to spite you face? I think it applies here pretty well.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:00 am
You do realize that primaries only include party members, don't you? If 90% of Republicans don't like her, it won't matter in a primary. If 55% of independents don't like her, it won't matter in a primary. I am guessing you didn't read the entire article. It states many of the same things I am saying. Her favorability is over 80% amongst Democrats.

Dems are split between her and Bernie and the trend is to Bernie. Indies really hate her.
Speaking of analysing polls, you might want to look at that statement compared to the polls. If by split you mean Hillary has a 35 point lead, then yes, but Bernie barely leads Biden who isn't even in the race. (I recall reading where Biden's support in NH polls moves to Hillary if he isn't in the race but I am not going to bother to track it down.) If you are implying that Bernie is currently getting close to Hillary then not true. Is he surging? About the same as Trump is surging. There is a large vocal minority of Democratic voters that will support him but they are a minority.

I understand you like Bernie Sanders. I like him too. But realistically, he doesn't stand much of a chance of catching Hillary. At this point in the 2008 race, Obama was within 10 points of Hillary in the general polls and Hillary didn't have much over 40% if that. It was a 3 way race.

The best you can probably hope for with Bernie is that he gets 20-30% of delegates so can help sway the convention in a more liberal direction. When it gets to the winner take all states, which I think the Democrats have had sense enough to not have too many of, Sanders won't get any delegates.

Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:03 am
revelette2 wrote:

Well, I think enough has been said, but you know the saying cutting off your nose to spite you face? I think it applies here pretty well.


People like Lash have just fallen off the edge.

They are as far off the mark as the most far right nut case.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:13 am
Bernie's trends are really bad news for Hillary's general election possibilities. I'm an Indy and I'm voting in the primary. Aren't you aware that 30% of voters are Indies? Are you unaware we vote if and when and how we choose? Indies will be in your primary.

Name recognition started HRC off with high numbers. The facts show she is falling and Bernie is rising.

Bernie Sanders will be the nominee.
New numbers
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:13 am
Bush was a disaster, you voted for a man who killed thousands in an illegal war. Anyone would have been better than him.

Hillary is not 'my girl.' I'm not an American, but I've noticed how much more dangerous the World is when gung ho religious nutjobs are given high office.

All of your gripes against Clinton pale into insignificance compared to the very real harm Bush did during his presidency, and you voted for him.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:14 am
Bush isn't an issue this election season.
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:14 am
Maybe you should read it, get an education.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:16 am
This is a good site.

0 Replies
Tue 28 Jul, 2015 09:18 am
Lash wrote:

Bush isn't an issue this election season.

So, his brother is in the running, so is Trump and Huckerbee, and like their predecessors, they're all a bunch of extremists who would be as much a disaster as Bush.

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