@cicerone imposter,
Correct. The inspections, by UN Security Council Resolution # 687, had to be unfettered. When Saddam finally relented and let Hans Blix and the inspectors in the first time, he assigned "guides", (actually, secret police), to go along and intimidate witnesses. Blix noted this in his report, and Blix also noted that some progress had been made and if they can have another round of inspections, unfettered by "guides" and such, they can wrap the whole thing up. At that point, Bush said Saddam had his chance and blown it, and proceeded to ready for invasion. The UN went along with the second round of inspections anyway, which were not interfered with, and the inspectors were going over all the sites and information that the US had given them, and so far they found the weapons had been destroyed and disposed of according to the agreement Saddam signed years previous.
While the inspectors were in the middle of this process, Bush gave the inspectors three days to get out because the tanks were coming in. And that was that.