When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:12 pm
snood wrote:

Hey moderators, is this kind of shyt okay?

Snood, was there a poster shilling his gofundme account to support Trump? I saw someone doing that, but it appears his membership or at least his posts have been taken down.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:30 pm
An amazing feature of the present political scene is that the important media story is actually the one holding sway across the media - the cage-match, to the death, eat our own intestines thing going on in conservatism right now. Hillary isn't the subject.

Two days ago, the National Review Online had, on its front page, 7 pieces on why Donald Trump was a scum who must be defeated. There was 1 piece on Hillary.

Nothing like this before that I can remember (maybe Wallace but I wasn't so tuned in). But another thing that's going to happen, 100% certain, is that when these cowboys end up with a nominee, they are going to be so deep in debt (intellectually, morally) with US citizens that they will feel as if they have to go after Hillary big. The thing is that as we've seen over the last few decades, this won't be a campaign of her policy is X and ours is Y, it will be that she murdered Vincent Foster because he hated Muslims. And they'll discover that Bill raped an underage sheep while on the phone taking bribes from Wall St. It will maybe be as ugly as anything we've ever seen.
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Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:32 pm
There was, he was called Vote Trump. I guess subtlety isn't his thing.
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Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:35 pm
OJ was never cleared by any police investigation at all

Hillary is not cleared either. The Benghazi committee is not over. And the FBI is not done either.

The next president can prosecute her.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:40 pm
OJ was never cleared in any police investigation. He beat the rap in the criminal trial, but in the civil trial the jury decided he did kill his wife and her boyfriend Ron Goldman and said he had to pay $33 Million. This conviction directly led to OJ associating with shady celebrity memorabilia dealers to avoid having to pay the civil judgment. These shady dealers then double crossed OJ, which led him to retaliate by "taking his stuff back". Guns were involved in this process, nobody was actually shot but one of the shady dealers had a near fatal heart attack the next day from the stress. As a result of all this, OJ is now serving a life sentence with the possibility of parole after nine years served, (2017 at the earliest). So basically, OJ ended up serving time for the murders.

Relationship between the OJ case and Hillary are solely in the mind of the right wing internet dwellers, but then these are the people who decided that Hillary had a sexual relationship with Vince Foster before they later decided Hillary was a lesbian through and through, so these things are always fluid with them.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:47 pm
I know all that. Don't need a history lesson.

She lies and dodges responsibility on a myriad of issues. She always manages to duck responsibility. The OJ trial is a proper analogy.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:54 pm
He butchered two people with a kitchen knife. I think you may have lost perspective.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:55 pm
Quote kedoc:
Hillary is not cleared either. The Benghazi committee is not over. And the FBI is not done either.

If you are going to have investigation after investigation following investigation plus more investigation, then the any individual will be in a permanent state of not being fully cleared yet. That's your goal.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 03:58 pm
There's no use, Blickers. If the Supreme Court made a PSA that Hillary was innocent of all charges, past and present, they'd just include the SCOTUS as co-conspirators and never lose a step.
cicerone imposter
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:06 pm
It only proves that the republicans will chase after anything even knowing they won't be successful. Look at how many times they tried to repeal Obamacare. 62+? RIDICULOUS.
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Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:07 pm
There's no use, Blickers. If the Supreme Court made a PSA that Hillary was innocent of all charges, past and present, they'd just include the SCOTUS as co-conspirators and never lose a step.

No doubt about it, poor Hillary is a wicked victim.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:08 pm
She's no victim, but she's not the kind of villain a lot of you seem to need her to be.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:09 pm
Define wicked, and show us evidence of it against Hillary.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You can't reason with a Hillary hater.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:35 pm
You can't reason with a Hillary hater.

I don't hate Hillary. But I hate the idea of her being president and for many reasons that have nothing to do with hate. It is no different than allowing a pedophile in a preschool.

Reasoning with a Hillarybot is what is impossible.
cicerone imposter
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 04:43 pm
Define wicked, and show us evidence of it against Hillary.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 05:07 pm
So you have lied about Hillary lying to military families. I wonder how those military families feel about you doing such a thing.
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 05:21 pm
kedoc wrote:

You can't reason with a Hillary hater.

I don't hate Hillary. But I hate the idea of her being president and for many reasons that have nothing to do with hate. It is no different than allowing a pedophile in a preschool.

Reasoning with a Hillarybot is what is impossible.

The only problem with your warped reasoning is, everyone who doesn't agree with you about Hillary must be a Hillarybot. Eat my ignore.
cicerone imposter
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 05:25 pm
Mine too! And good riddance.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Mar, 2016 06:49 pm
So far, kedoc has shown up only to talk about Benghazi, and during that discussion has linked Hillary to OJ and to pedophilia. And the longer the discussion goes on, the more hysterical he will become in his analogies, linking her by analogy and example to all sorts of things.

Lash went along with him on the OJ thing, as well.
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