glitterbag wrote:
I didn't accuse anyone of pedophilia, you must have been blotto.
And my family were news junkies, probably because of my Dad's war service, and the first conventions I remember were the ones where Nixon and Kennedy became the nominees. The conventions were very different at that time and for some time after that. It's not unprecedented for a nominee not to be granted sainthood prior to the convention.
Regarding feminists, what's funny is that I can't think of you as a feminist. But not because you hate Hillary, I can't stand Sara Palin...I'm not sure if she is actually a liar because I think she is poorly educated and du
mb as a box of rocks.
There isn't a rule that women should only vote for other women, and it makes me sad you have such a low opinion of women. I hope you know other teachers you can respect. During my years at DOD although women initially were in short supply, they were very bright and could actually figure out who they wanted to vote for without getting advice from their gal pals or their daddy's.
I've never worked in an environment that was almost exclusively female, maybe if I did I'd understand your bias a little better.
I went back looking for a pedephilia post and didnt see it or missed it, but I feel its irrelevant now...Hillary will get the nomination. Sanders is too "60's" revolutionary I feel. Too many of the supporters hes trying to gain have gotten off the drugs and now care about stability. The young people are disgusted because Obama was their hope and was disappointed by GOP politics.
Obama was the "revolution" and that dream was crushed. Not by him, but by obstructionism and frankly? A lack of understanding the President is not a genie. People did not vote in the mid terms and it bit them in the ass. Dems lost everything.