Josh has it exactly right
Quote:Pundits and political obsessives tend to get distracted by process and policy literalism. But politics generally and especially intra-Republican political battles are really about demonstrating dominance - not policy mastery or polling leads but a series of symbols and actions that mark the dominating from the dominated.
Read Josh's whole piece, it's really very bright. But his perception here about the role of (particularly) GOP politics as flat-out dominance contest has to be confronted. Think about W's self-presentation. Then contrast with Jindahl's. In GOP presidential politics, Jindahl never had a chance in hell. Nor did Huntsman. Nor did Pawlenty. Nor did Scott Walker. Think of the constant and so predictable bellicosity of GOP candidates' militaristic posturing and threats. Think of the right wing evangelical institutional premise/policy that the wife is subservient to the husband.
I've got a bit of an advantage in perceiving this stuff as a consequence of having done primate studies with Birute Galdikas. This is absolutely typical primate behavior. And humans are primates. But we are rather special in that we have the capacity to build and maintain complex culture with institutions that mitigate blunt domination contest tendencies. Now, women can vote and be voted for. Now, it is no longer legal for a husband to rape his wife in every state of the US
as was the case until 1980. Now, assault is an offence for which people go to jail. But still, this fundamental part of our natures remains as a feature. If we permit it to triumph over the finer, more sophisticated and thoughtful and egalitarian tendencies that also mark human behavior, that's when things get ugly.
But my wager is that most Americans are better than that. My wager is that you guys, the majority of you, will reject and be repulsed by such a severe and blatant manifestation of this blunt dominatinationalist feature in the personality and behavior of Trump.
Imagine what a general election will look like, assuming Hillary as the opponent, if Trump gets the nomination. My wager is that the majority of Americans will vomit the guy out, with gusto, because of what he is.
And with any luck at all, Americans in larger numbers, will come to understand how modern Republican politics, particularly, has come to represent something truly ugly and dangerous.