I suspect the objection is - at least in some quarters - stimulated by a perception of hypocrisy given that Candidate Hillary has put so much energy touting the supposed "War on Women" that her political opponents are accused of waging. By the standards advocated by some feminists, including those influencing contemporary policies in Universities, husband Bill was indeed guilty of rape, or at least a (gasp!) "micro aggression" leading to rape in the contemporary vernacular.
I agree that there's not much to be gained by resurrecting or reinvestigating the allegations made by several apparently trustworthy women who, decades ago, accused Bill Clinton of various forms of sexual assault or exploitation. However the justaposition of all that and Hillary's rather contrived, but persistent accusations of an organized right wing conspiracy and war on women does indeed suggest there may be just a trace of self-serving hypocrisy and demagoguery in her political rhetoric, and also something lacking in her relentless pursuit of the truth.