This is from an article in The Daily Beast. Michael Tomasky's piece is talking about takeaways from the Nevada Caucus.
In this paragraph, he's talking about the difference between the way Hillary vs. Bernie supporters interact online, as opposed to how they interact face to face.
On Twitter, Berniebros and Hillarybots are scratching each others’ eyes out. But out there in the world, it’s not that nasty. I was on an elevator in New York New York with about 17 Clinton supporters and two Sanders people. The Clinton people joked, “OK, we’ve got ’em outnumbered, let’s get ’em!” Everyone laughed good-naturedly. The leader of the Sanders people, a 30-something black woman, said, “We’ll all be together in the fall.”
This was kinda reassuring to me. Sometimes it seems, from the way A2K progressives go at each other, that there is no chance for any solidarity after the primaries. But I guess there's hope.